What is National Board Certification?

National Board Certification (NBC), offered by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (the National Board), is a certification process through which educator candidates demonstrate they meet the NBC standards via a portfolio of classroom practice. This portfolio includes samples of student work and videotapes of educator instruction, written reflections aligned with specific rubrics through the National Board, and a four-part assessment of content knowledge. 

The Blueprint Career Ladder (link to webpage when published) is a comprehensive career advancement system that fosters continuous professional growth, recognizes and rewards exemplary teaching practices, provides opportunities for leadership and specialized roles, and allows exceptional educators to stay in the classroom, ultimately enhancing the quality of education and student outcomes in Baltimore City Public Schools. The Blueprint Career Ladder offers multiple avenues for teacher leadership, ensuring flexibility and alignment with individual strengths, including National Board Certification.

The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future acknowledges that effective educators and leaders are vital for student achievement. A key aspect of the Maryland Blueprint emphasizes High-Quality and Diverse Teachers and Leaders. As part of this initiative, teachers can enhance their leadership by seeking National Board Certification, which aligns with the state’s career advancement framework.

Grow. Lead. Inspire – NBCTs in City Schools

Experience the passion and excellence of our National Board Certified Teachers in Baltimore City Public Schools! In this short video, you’ll hear directly from NBCTs who share how they’ve transformed their classrooms, ignited student engagement, and elevated their own professional growth. Explore their individual profiles to learn about the dedication, creativity, and impact that make these educators a shining example for all of us.

Coming soon!

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