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National Board Certification (NBC), offered by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (the National Board), is a certification process through which educator candidates demonstrate they meet the NBC standards via a portfolio of classroom practice. This portfolio includes samples of student work and videotapes of educator instruction, written reflections aligned with specific rubrics through the National Board, and a four-part assessment of content knowledge. 

Baltimore City Public Schools recognizes the impact of each educator and administrator who is equipped to lead from their seats on behalf of the young people we serve. One of the three pillars grounding our Blueprint for Success is leadership and the acknowledgment that leaders inspire, develop, and manage the conditions and environments that create high-performing learning communities that promote equity and excellence for all. High-performing education systems develop leaders at all levels and foster environments where there is a culture of continuous learning and the encouragement of professional growth and increasing leadership.  
The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future also recognizes that high-quality educators and leaders are instrumental for student success. As part of the Maryland Blueprint, one policy area focuses on High-Quality and Diverse Teachers and Leaders. Within this state initiative, one way for teachers to increase their leadership is to pursue National Board Certification as part of a movement along the state career ladder. 

City Schools National Board candidates must abide by the National Board Portfolio Materials guidance, and must keep their National Board release forms on file.

Keep in touch and join us to learn more!

Please join us for an information session to learn about National Board Certification and the fee support process.  

  • June 18, 2024: 5 p.m. - Zoom Link

  • June 26, 2024: 1 p.m.

  • July 8, 2024: 1 p.m.

  • July 25, 2024: 4 p.m.

Did you miss us?  Access a recording of the information session and a PDF of the PowerPoint session below.

NBC information session recording (February 28)
NBC information session PowerPoint (February 28)
NBC Information Session recording (June 8)
NBC Information Session Powerpoint (June 8)
Click HERE to access the recording and slides of the Jumpstart session.

We hope to see you at one of these sessions!  For more information, please email us at If you are interested in staying in touch with our team regarding the National Board Certification process fee support program and upcoming events, please fill out this interest survey.

District National Board Support Sessions

National Board fee support candidates and others interested in pursuing National Board certification in the future are encouraged to attend the district's support sessions, which are led by experienced National Board-certified Professional Learning Facilitators. A schedule of support sessions for SY 2024-25 is forthcoming.

More information about National Board Certification is available on the First Time and Returning Candidate page on the National Board’s website. Interested educators may also want to review one or more of the online courses below: 

What Supports are Available?

MSDE and Baltimore City Public Schools offer incentives for educators interested in pursuing National Board Certification. These include: 

  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credits  

  • A fee support program, where MSDE pays 2/3 of the portfolio submission cost and Baltimore City will pay 1/3 of the portfolio submission cost – See deadline information below! 

  • Support opportunities for educators pursuing National Board Certification, including a blend of facilitated opportunities offered through the district and curated asynchronous online resources 

  •  Equipment to record classroom instruction.  Make an appointment to check out recording equipment here.

  • Office hours for support with completing the fee support application and to learn more about the recording equipment available to borrow.  Click here to schedule time to meet with our support staff.

The Fee Support Program

The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future legislation expands the fee support program while also specifying that this fee support is only available for educators who:

  • Meet the National Board’s eligibility criteria

  • Have a current, valid Maryland professional certificate, and 

  • Meet the definition of “teacher” as defined by Maryland Education Article §6-1001 and accompanying MSDE guidance*.

*Please note that being eligible for this fee support program does not mean you will meet the criteria for any salary increases associated with being a National Board Certified teacher. 

Candidates who are participating in this fee support program are still responsible for the annual, non-refundable $75 registration fee with the National Board.

So that our district can submit information for eligible candidates interested in this fee support program for SY 2024-25, interested and eligible educators must complete the fee support application by September 9, 2024. Please see below for the instructions to apply: