ConneXions is a community-based, arts-focused, charter school located in the greater Mondawmin community. Our focus is on the arts with a commitment to academic excellence, preparing students for both college and career paths. ConneXions works with Baltimore organizations in the performing arts, community cultural and civic leadership, and activism. The fine arts component at ConneXions is a unique and rigorous program that helps students gain expertise in theater, martial arts, vocals, dance, visual art, West African drum, and media arts. These courses are taught by trained experts and established artists. ConneXions students also participate in many multicultural school and community events.
Operator Renewal Recommendation:
On January 14, 2025, the Baltimore City School of Board Commissioners voted to renew the operator of this school for a 3-year term with conditions. The process by which operator schools are reviewed is called operator renewal and is part of the district’s Annual Review of Schools. To learn about this decision or decisions for other schools, please visit the City Schools Annual Review of Schools webpage: https://www.baltimorecityschools.org/page/annual-review.