Forest Park High School’s 21st-century fully renovated campus boasts Google Chromebooks in every classroom, drones and spheros, a television studio, a state-of-the-art library/media center, courtroom, culinary kitchen, two gymnasiums, and an indoor swimming pool. Our community school partner, the YMCA, collaborates to provide opportunities for students during and after school, including overnight college tours, special guests and events, service learning hours, and job internships. Forest Park students can join the Student Government Association, Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship, or Future Business Leaders of America. Our Peer Group Connections (PGC) program pairs seniors as mentors for freshmen. To build a college-going culture, we have a CollegeBound counselor, freshmen can participate in Morgan State University's yearlong college discovery program, and seniors can take dual-enrollment courses at the University of Baltimore or math courses at Baltimore City Community College. In addition, our alumni association, the Marines, the Army, and a host of other partners give our graduates college scholarships every year! Forest Park has sports teams, a cheerleading squad, a step team, and a dance team, and we look forward to expanding the music program.