
At Katherine Johnson Global Academy, we understand that our students are 21st-century learners who value technology, expeditious answers to problems, exploration, and electrifying energy. We motivate our students to be critical thinkers who own their learning. We serve students in grades 3-8. Students at Katherine Johnson in grades 6-8 are both in and outside of our zone. We are the home of the Rockets, and our motto is "Be the Change and Change the Narrative." We show Rocket P.R.I.D.E by presenting a Positive attitude, Resilience, Integrity, Discipline, and Excellence.

Official state grade band:


Grades served:

3 to 8

Number of students:


Enrollment type:


Management type:


Title I status:


Building info:

21st-century scheduled, Temporary location


3rd-5th Grade: Yellow polo shirts, navy blue uniform bottoms. 6th Grade: Light blue polo shirts and beige/khaki or black uniform bottoms. 7th Grade: Gray polo shirts and beige/khaki or black uniform Bottoms. 8th Grade: Royal blue polo shirts and beige/khaki or black uniform bottoms.

Bottoms include pants, shorts, and skirts. All shorts and skirts must approach knee length.


Elementary School:
Matthew A. Henson Elementary School (29)


Elementary School:
Billie Holiday Elementary School (144)


Elementary School:
Mary Ann Winterling Elementary School at Bentalou (150)


Elementary School:
Belmont Elementary School (217)


Elementary School:
Frederick Elementary School (260)

School Performance

View more information on how this school is doing

School leader: Nancy Fagan


1101 Braddish Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21216

Middle school opening bell: 8:00 AM
Middle school closing bell: 2:40 PM

Community learning network: 6