The Achievement and Accountability Office supports data-driven decision making by ensuring integrity of test administration; providing data analysis, reporting, and program evaluation; developing tools for measuring teacher, school leader, and school effectiveness; data quality, data literacy and analysis, special education data and reporting, records management; and overseeing local, state, and federal accountability monitoring and compliance
200 E. North Avenue
Room 203
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-396-8962
Fax: 410-396-8627
Key staff:
Theresa D. Jones, chief achievement and accountability officer (Email Theresa D. Jones)
Mark Kennedy, special assistant (Email Mark Kennedy)
Kimberly Hoffman, executive director, data monitoring and compliance (Email Kimberly Hoffman)
Holly Bedwell, director, knowledge management (Email Holly Bedwell)
Carol Wilson, director, student assessment (Email Carol Wilson)
Chris Wohn, director, research services (Email Chris Wohn)