Three Kids in Class

Parents pose for a picture at Districtwide Math Night.

City Schools seeks your input on supporting multilingual students and families.

Learn from the CEO and City Schools team about the district’s latest efforts to improve language access and services to multilingual families, including current supports!

Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Time: 5 to 7:30 p.m.
Location: Patterson High School, 100 Kane St., Baltimore, MD 21224

*Interpretation will be provided, and light refreshments will be served.

Register here:

Click here to view the full flyer in English, Spanish, Tigrinya, Arabic, Swahili, and French.

Our schools have been and always will be places where all are welcome. The Mayor’s Office and City Schools reaffirm their commitment to providing safe, inclusive, and welcoming environments for all students and members of school communities.

Success at school begins with regular school attendance. All students should come to school every day confident that City Schools will uphold and protect their privacy and their rights. Staff members should also be confident that the commitment to providing safe, stable environments for teaching and learning extends to them. 

How City Schools supports our multilingual learners

All families are entitled to high-quality customer service in a language they understand. First, determine the language the family speaks; then, we use one of the supports below.

Face-to-face interpretation

Bilingual staff assigned to a school with ELD programming can assist with interpretation as their schedules allow. They may also provide limited translation services and interpretation for family meetings, phone calls home, and other schoolwide events. Bilingual staff members may be able to support meetings and events after school hours. An online request for an interpreter should be submitted at least five days before the event.

Telephonic Interpretation

ACSI is the district’s interpretation service which can be accessed using a PIN number specific to a school or central office location. ACSI provides Over-the-Phone (OPI) and Video Remote (VR) interpretation. For communication regarding Special Education services, please contact the Office of Special Education.


City Schools produces many printed documents in English and Spanish, and the website can be translated into multiple languages by selecting the desired language at the top right of any page. In addition, the district has a contract with TransACT which houses numerous school-related documents in multiple languages. 

Learn more: New Language Assistance Cards





