
One of the few high school programs in the country performing a diverse selection of repertoire, the Dance Department offers rigorous, physically demanding coursework in both ballet and modern technique. Our students come to us from a full range of experiences from those with limited or no prior training, to those who have danced for years. We give all our students a strong technical foundation to pursue their professional goals. Many graduates have left our studios to secure spots in some of the best dance companies in the country and overseas. Graduates of our program have also gone on to successful careers as doctors, attorneys, and small-business owners.

You’ll learn how to combine strong technique with a sense of artistry. More importantly, you’ll learn about time management, resilience, personal responsibility, and dedication—skills that bring success both on and off stage.

What You’ll Learn

  • Athleticism

  • Artistry

  • Commitment

Visiting Artists

We understand the best way to learn what’s really being practiced in the field today is to learn from a wide variety of working professionals. Every year, we invite multiple guest artists to the school to teach master classes, create original work, or set existing works. During the 2018-19 school year, we hosted Alicia Graf Mack, the director of the Dance Division at the Juilliard School; Kiyon Gaines, Pacific Northwest Ballet; Darrell Grand Moultrie, Princess Grace Choreography Fellowship Award recipient; Stephanie Martinez, freelance choreographer; Jimmie Manners ’05, hip hop dance icon; and Benjamin Holliday Wardell, the Cambrians; among others.

These master classes and repertoire experiences play a critical role in the education you receive, enabling you to learn from a wide variety of personalities and teaching styles, as well as increasing your exposure to the expansive range of dance techniques being performed in the field today.

Veronica Dunlap

Featured Alumni

Veronica Dunlap

Veronica Dunlap serves as director of strategic initiatives for the National Network for Safe Communities (NNSC). NNSC is an internationally recognized action research center at John Jay College of Criminal Justice that provides proven, evidence-based, life-saving violence reduction strategies to dozens of communities across America and beyond. Veronica is passionate about giving back to her community, and founded “The Initiative” – a project aimed at restoring the civil rights of people with criminal convictions with ultimate goal of allowing those people to sit on juries. She is also the recipient of the 2016 Heroine of Excellence Award for her work in community advocacy. She is a proud graduate of George Washington University where she received her B.A. in international affairs, cum laude, and Fordham University School of Law where she received her J.D. and M.B.A. in finance. 

See more Alumni Success Stories here

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I’d rather be in the studio working on a piece, constantly learning new things and progressing.

Maddie Richard  
