Time | Content |
8:45-9:00 | Morning Meeting /SEL + Announcements |
9-9:40 | Learning Block 1 |
9:40 - 10:15 | Learning Block 2 |
10:20 - 10:40 am | Resource |
10:45 - 11:30 | Learning Block 3 |
11:30 - 12:00 | Lunch |
12:00 - 12:30 | Learning Block 4 |
12:30 - 1:00 | Personalized Learning |
1:05-1:15 | Afternoon Circle |
Grade/Teacher | Link |
Kindergarten | https://bcps-k12-md-us.zoom.us/j/88175183705?pwd=CzauL3QHgIdXH02iKeQHSDTb5pDGNF.1 Meeting ID: 881 7518 3705 Passcode: 274451 |
First | https://bcps-k12-md-us.zoom.us/j/84874111619?pwd=4oiZP5Z18DFV2HaHteMEltUjb4SGiI.1 Meeting ID: 848 7411 1619 |
Second | Meeting ID: 848 7411 1619 Passcode: 536294 |
Third | https://zoom.us/j/96722642246?pwd=yfpAacmbYOUAyN54dbM6mzbdq4apEI.1 Meeting ID: 967 2264 2246 Passcode: prep |
Fourth | https://bcps-k12-md-us.zoom.us/u/kciBQqMLND
Passcode: 179887 |
Fifth | |
Zuckerman | Topic: Rachel Zuckerman's Personal Meeting Room https://bcps-k12-md-us.zoom.us/j/2168291030 Meeting ID: 216 829 1030 |
Evans | https://bcps-k12-md-us.zoom.us/j/84108225045?pwd=L3Zt187GC2meFyc9gfcxj4HeJcWYoM.1 Meeting ID: 841 0822 5045 Passcode: 073973 |
PE | |
Library | Meeting ID: 822 7216 0027 |
Music | https://bcps-k12-md-us.zoom.us/j/6459812623 Meeting ID: 645 981 2623 Passcode: prepmusic |
Morning Meeting/Afternoon Circle | All students use this link https://us04web.zoom.us/j/78191388411?pwd=c7Mapxf3yNlsa1eJ3bQnDwgl6VVQ1p.1 |
Kugler | https://bcps-k12-md-us.zoom.us/j/86139433719
Passcode: 108839 |
Tuck |
January 17, 2025
Please take a few moments to read through our Virtual Snow Day Plan.
Virtual Snow Day Plan
Winter 2025
Synchronous Learning Days
For SY24-25, if inclement weather requires the district to close, City Schools will first implement three “traditional snow days” -- meaning no instruction occurs on these days; schools are closed. These days will be made up in June as reflected in the SY24-25 school calendar.
If a fourth day of inclement weather requires the district to close, City Schools will pivot to a synchronous virtual learning day. If additional inclement weather days occur, City Schools will continue to utilize a virtual learning model up to the allowable eight days granted by MSDE.
Below is the schedule for Kindergarten through fifth grade along with the links to connect with the teachers and access your child’s class. Each grade level will share a link and teachers will co-teach virtually. Families should reach out to their child’s homeroom teacher for assistance with access to links, devices, and assignments. Note that when school reopens in person, students are required to bring their device.
If students have difficulty logging in or participating with the virtual instruction, they will be provided with any necessary assignments when schools reopen in person. They will then have 3 days to complete and return to their teacher for grading.
Attendance will be taken and is based on presence in the virtual classroom.
Prekindergarten students will work with their Frog Street backpack activities and do not join a class virtually.
Making this shift is going to require patience and flexibility. You will be able to reach teachers through their Class Dojo and email. Our staff directory is located at this link: https://www.baltimorecityschools.org/o/federalhill/staff (note there are 3 pages of staff). Teachers may not respond immediately to messages as they will be online with students. It is recommended that you reach out to both teachers at the grade level as one will be monitoring the class and may be able to respond sooner.
January 3, 2025
Happy New Year Prep community!
It is nice to be back together with your scholars. This month, we are preparing for our Celebrations of Learning. This showcase of the teaching and learning in each classroom will take place on Friday, January 26th. Times are pending but are likely to be in the morning. Additional details will be shared by Ms. Thompson.
We have other hold the date events listed in the upcoming section of the letter. Be sure to take a look at those and read through the additional details of what is happening on campus.
Have a restful weekend,
Principal Adams + the Prep Team
Announcements and Reminders
Academics - The middle of year (MOY) assessment window begins on Monday. Amplify reading and i-Ready math will be administered. The window closes at the end of January and when reports are available, teachers will distribute them. The second quarter ends on Friday, January 17th and report cards distribution is the last week of January.
Attendance - Below is the month by month attendance rates by grade and overall. Our chronic absentee rate is 28.3%. Remember that even excused absences are counted in absentee rates. Absences are considered “excused” for the following reasons: student illness or behavioral health need, death in the immediate family, court summons (with the child’s name on the summons), religious holiday. Absences for any other reason are unexcused or “unlawful.” School staff will follow up with you about unexcused absences, as well as very frequent absences or lateness.
Budget Engagement Process - On Thursday, January 9th at 5:30 pm, we will hold the first session in the budget engagement process for the SY 25-26 budget. The purpose of this session is to share information with the school community regarding the vision of the school. This is an opportunity to gather input and feedback from all stakeholders on priorities presented by the school, engage in discussion surrounding the school priorities, and address general questions presented by stakeholders to ultimately develop the school’s budget. A flyer was backpacked home today to post as a reminder to join us then.
Operations - In certain weather conditions, there may be adjustments to the routines for entry, recess, and dismissal. If there is a change, we will announce via Dojo and intercom. The details for those situations are below. We are still in need of board and card games for when the weather keeps us inside. Donations may be left in the main office labeled as RECESS Donation.
Entry Students not eating breakfast will enter the cafeteria door (if the gates are closed or when snow is on ground) or playground door and report to the auditorium beginning at 8:35.
Recess We will remain indoors for recess anytime the temperature is below 30 degrees. Students are in the classroom and supervised by recess support team members
Dismissal PreK –exits the doors near their door near the playground Kindergarten – dismiss through playground door Grades 1-5 – Teachers and students go to the auditorium. Students will dismiss from there onto the blacktop.
Message from the PTO - Our next PTO meeting will be held on Thursday, January 9th immediately following the Budget Engagement meeting hosted by Principal Adams. Family bingo will take place the evening of January 24th. Additionally, we are excited to announce that Prep Winterfest will be held on February 22nd! Mark your calendars and look for more information to come.
Upcoming Dates
Jan. 6-31: MOY testing – iReady and Amplify
Jan. 9: Budget Engagement + PTO Meeting 5:30 pm in cafeteria
Jan. 14: SFC Council meeting @ 6 pm virtual
Jan. 16: GAL Night 5-6:30pm
Jan. 17: Early Release @ 12:45; Quarter 2 Ends
Jan. 20: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (School and Office Closed)
Jan. 21: Quarter 3 Begins
January 24: Celebration of Learning
Jan. 24: PTO Family Bingo event
Jan. 27-31: 2nd quarter Report Card Distribution Jan. 31: PreK Fairytale Bal
December 13, 2024
Dear Prep families,
Today, progress reports and attendance letters were sent home with each child. Yes, every student received an attendance letter that shares their current attendance percentage rate. Be sure to check your child’s backpack or folder for those items. If you have any wonders or worries about the progress report, connect with your child’s teacher. You are able to monitor grades through the Campus Portal on Infinite Campus. You may reset passwords to access that feature using this link/website: https://www.baltimorecityschools.org/o/bcps/page/campus-portal
Here are other things happening in and around campus:
We are getting prepared for our school-wide trip to see The Nutcracker at the Meyerhoff on Thursday, December 19th. Thank you to all of the parents that offered to attend as chaperones. It was overwhelming (in an amazing way!). There will be 36 spaces for chaperones. Unfortunately, the space to take additional adults is not available. The priority is to support our younger students. Principal Adams has reached out to the parent chaperones directly with a phone call to let them know they were selected. If you did not receive a phone call directly from Mrs. Adams, then you have not been selected for this event.
Here are other important details about trip day to keep in mind: ● We will be departing at 9:00 am. It is critical to be here on time that day!! When students arrive at entry, we will be gathering in the auditorium and cafeteria. There is no need for students to bring backpacks that day. ● Students are encouraged to dress up in their fanciest outfits. ● On trip day, there will be 8 buses to transport us. Our neighbors have been notified about the added traffic. It is important that we work to be respectful during drop off to allow for cars to travel along William Street, Cross Street, and even along Warren Avenue (buses will be there as well). ● Students will have lunch on an adjusted schedule when we return. If your child typically brings lunch from home, they should still do that. ● We will have an assembly the day before with students and chaperones to preview the expectations from the Meyerhoff. ● After lunch, we will celebrate our last FFF of December, yes on Thursday, where students will be able to enjoy a sweet treat. .
Earlier this week, our GAL Committee met. The focus was on monitoring our GAL Implementation Plan, planning for a science fair in the spring, and developing an agenda for GAL Night to be held on January 16th. After winter break, we will share information about that event. With the weather getting colder, recess is indoors more days than not.
We are in search of board or card games for all ages along with floor puzzles. If you have old items that may not get used at home anymore, we would appreciate donations that we can have on hand for those indoor recess days. You may drop those off at the main office beginning in January.
Next week is Winter Solstice Spirit Week. Don’t forget to check the upcoming dates for the out of uniform days. Remember no stuffed toys or slippers on pajama day. We will end the week on December 20th with our Winter Program directed by Ms. Williams. The program for families will begin at 2 pm. Ms. Williams has communicated to each grade level via Dojo any specifics that you may need to know. If you have questions, reach out to her directly.
Please keep an eye on Class Dojo this coming week for updates and reminders. Have a restful weekend,
Principal Adams + the Prep Team
November 26, 2024
Dear Prep staff and families,
As we head into the fall/thanksgiving break, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge how grateful I am to be a part of this school community. The feedback, support, and partnership in the work of revitalizing our school is well underway. It strengthens me and our collective work.
I hope that each of you enjoy the extended weekend with family and friends. Rest and rejuvenate, December is going to be busy!
Much gratitude,
Principal Adams
Dec. 1: Ravens vs. Eagles, Parking @ PREP (VOLUNTEERS NEEDED)
Dec. 2: Kick off December Cozy Day – wear pajamas or favorite sweatshirt
Dec. 5: PTO Meeting /Open House for prospective families 4:30-6
De. 11-13: 2nd quarter Progress Reports Distributed
Dec. 9: Keep it Chill Day hats,scarves, mittens, or pajamas
Dec. 9: Art Experience for 3rd grade (in school)
Dec. 12: Gingerbread House Day – We will celebrate at FFF on 12/13. More details to come.
Dec. 13: Field Trip to B&O Railroad Museum for 1st grade
Dec. 13: National Cocoa Day – We will celebrate at FFF. More details to come.
Dec. 16-20: Winter Solstice Spirit Week
Dec. 16: Pajama Day
Dec. 17: Cozy Day – Wear Flannel shirts
Dec. 18: National Twin Day
Dec: 19: Schoolwide Trip – Nutcracker: Fancy Dress Up Day
Dec. 20: National Ugly Sweater Day
Dec. 20: Winter Celebration
Rehearsal 10:00am
Performance for Families 2:00 pm
Dec 20: PTO Holiday Hot Chocolate handout
Dec. 21: Ravens vs. Steelers, Parking @ PREP (VOLUNTEERS NEEDED)
Dec. 21: Winter Solstice (First Day of Winter)
Dec. 23 - Jan. 1 : Winter Break (School and Office Closed)
November 15, 2024
Hello Prep families,
This week was our first five day week in a while. It was filled with anticipation while we waited for the playground to be finished. And it ended celebrating one of the greatest rivalries in football with an out of uniform day. As you head into the weekend, take a few minutes to read through the updates and upcoming events.
Next week during American Education Week (AEW), there will be opportunities for families to learn about our instructional programming. On Tuesday, at 9:00 am, Ms. Thompson, our IB Coordinator and Librarian, will be presenting an overview of IB. On Wednesday at 9:30, Ms. Ginyard, our Literacy Coach, will be talking about how to understand your child’s DIBELs data and ways to support at home.
On Monday, we will be celebrating first quarter academic achievements. Prekindergarten along with first and second grades will be presented at 9:15. Kindergarten as well as third, fourth, and fifth will take place at 2:15. Both assemblies will take place in the auditorium. We encourage families to join us.
The rest of the schedule for AEW is attached. If you were unable to register for an event, connect with your child’s teacher to let them know you are coming. Details about each event are on the schedule. The class times to go to the book fair are coming but it will be open each day this week. See below for other FAQ about next week and reach out if you have other wonders.
Earlier this week, we sent home a message from some of our families and neighbors reminding all of us to travel cautiously when driving around the school during entry and dismissal. We continue to seek members of our community to support us with crossing at our busiest intersections. If you are able to assist, reach out to me directly.
Celebrate and Recognize our Staff
In partnership with the Fund for Educational Excellence, help us to Share the Love towards our staff. With AEW as well as Thanksgiving, we want to shower staff with gratitude and appreciation for all they do to strengthen our school and help students grow. You can send teachers and other staff members a message by
clicking this link, select our school, choose the staff member you’d like to write a note to, craft your message, and a designed image is created (you’ll see the picture options in the link). We’d love nothing more than to have dozens of notes for every staff member sharing appreciation for all they do. We hope you’ll take some time to write a note to a staff member (or multiple staff members) today!
Looking forward to seeing you this coming week,
Principal Adams + the Prep Team
Upcoming Dates & Events
Nov. 18: Field Trip Arts on Stage Program Kindergarten 9:15 - 11:45
Nov. 18-22: American Education Week
Nov. 18: 1st quarter awards assemblies
PK-2 at 9:15am
3-5 at 2:30pm
Nov. 19: Career Day- DRESS UP in their CAREER GEAR!
Nov. 19: Open House for prospective families 9:30-10:30
Nov. 20: Morning Meeting Visits
Nov. 21: Futures Day: Wear middle school/high school/college gear
Nov. 21: Family Scrapbooking
Prek + K 9:15-9:45
1st + 2nd 9:45-10:15
3rd, 4th + 5th 10:15-10:45
Nov. 22: Fast & Fun Friday Finale: games in the classroom 2:45-3:15
Nov. 27: Wellness Day, Schools and Offices Closed
Nov. 28-29: Thanksgiving Break (School and Office Closed)
Dec. 1: Ravens vs. Eagles, Parking @ PREP (VOLUNTEERS NEEDED)
Dec. 5: International Volunteer Day
Dec. 5: PTO Meeting /Open House for prospective families 4:30-6
American Education FAQ
Do we have to register to attend the events next week? I just logged on to do so and it is closed.
We close the form so we can plan as closely as possible. It is helpful to know which students will have guests with them and which days and the number of materials or seats needed. You may still attend but we ask that you connect with the teacher to let them know. It is most important to register for Scrapbooking and Fun Fast Friday.
How involved is the family scrapbook. I am going to try to get someone to go for the boys. What do we need?
Each child and their guest will make 1 scrapbook page. They should have 3-4 photos to add to the page. That's all you need. Everything else will be provided.
When do the classes go to the book fair? It seems to have started last week, but I do not know and wanted to make sure the boys are prepared for the day their class goes.
Book fair schedule will be shared by Ms. Richardson. Last week was the preview week. It will be open each day including after the events this week.
Is picture day in uniform or not on Friday?
Picture day is individual pictures so students may be out of uniform.
October 25, 2024
Dear Prep families,
It is crazy that we are nearing the end of October and the first quarter of school. Next week will be busy, well the next two weeks. As the quarter ends, teachers are really digging into the times in their schedule where they meet with students in small groups. Small group instruction takes place as part of reading, math, and again during personalized learning. The lessons are in response to the beginning of year (BOY) data that was shared with you at progress reports along with information collected through on-going formative or end of module assessments. For many grades, personalized learning happens at the end of the school day. I flag this for you because early dismissals impact your child’s availability for those lessons that are designed to differentiate instruction to enrich, extend, or revisit content and skills specific for your child. When you check in with your child or their teacher, ask about what is happening in those groups.
Our attendance for October thus far is at 93%. Congrats to our second graders who have a 96% attendance rate this month!! Missing two days in a month will flag your child as chronically absent no matter the reason. If they are ill, be sure to contact the office and let Ms. L. Collins know.
Take a few moments to read through the other announcements and updates including the schedule for American Education Week coming up in November. And we hope to see you this evening at Kickball sponsored by the PTO on our field 4:30-6:30.
Have a restful weekend,
Principal Adams
● Tuesday, October 29th is an early release day. Students dismiss at 12:45 and there is no 3 year old programming.
● The first quarter ends on Tuesday. Report cards will be distributed between November 6th -8th.
● Fall Fest will be held on Thursday, October 31st. Students may come to school in costume but they must be able to run and play in those costumes. Accessories and masks will not be permitted while students are participating in the days’ activities. Accessories that look like weapons are not permitted at all. All students will participate in a Trunk or Treat Parade sponsored by our community partners on the field beginning at 2:15 with our PreK students. The schedule for the day is posted on Dojo or in the office. If you have any questions about the day or are unsure about your child’s costume, reach out to me or your child’s teacher. ● School is closed for students on November 4th and 5th.
Upcoming Dates**Dates for November are being added to the website calendar. Visit https://www.baltimorecityschools.org/o/federalhill. T
Dear Prep families,
Many thanks to all of our families that came out last week for Back-to-School Night. It was the first event of the school year to build the partnership between home and school focused on academics/student growth. If you have not already done so, be sure to complete the All About Me form provided by your child’s teacher. The information provided will assist the teacher in developing your child’s Student Learning Plan (SLP) or Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) for our students identified as GAL. The draft SLP will include the beginning of year data and goals for student growth. It will be shared near the end of the first quarter.
Take a few moments to read through the other announcements and updates including the schedule for Farewell to Summer/Kick off Fall Spirit Week.
Progress reports for the first quarter will be distributed the week of September 30th. If your child is in 4th or 5th grade, it will also include their 2023-24 MCAP scores.
Beginning of year (BOY) testing in literacy and math has begun. Student reports for these tests will be available in mid-October when testing is completed.
If you were unable to access your child’s report card from the 23-24 school year and require a paper copy, contact Ms. L. Collins in the main office. The turn around time on this request is 48-72 hours.
Our current attendance rate for September is 93.67%. This is just shy of the MSDE target of 94%. Attendance is one of the components of the star ratings given by MSDE. As part of our School Performance Plan, we are looking for a decrease in our chronic absenteeism rate. Students are often identified as chronic if they miss 2 days within a month or 5 within a quarter. Today, attendance letters were distributed to students that are in or close to that mark. We encourage you to reach out to us here at school if you need support with attendance routines.
Connected to attendance, when your child is ill, be sure to notify the office. If they are out for 3 or more days, they need a doctor’s note to excuse the absence. Note that vacations are not excused absences even if you have notified us and negatively impact our attendance rating.
This month, traffic control has been in front of the building. This request was made by our neighbors that must travel along William Street. As you are stopping or parking to drop off and pick up, be aware of the parking and driving restrictions in the area to prevent from receiving a ticket.
Additionally for families that are driving, keep an eye on the crosswalks and corners for any students and families that are crossing. Not all of our nearby interactions have crossing guards. If you are interested and available to help us at those congested intersections, please reach out.
It has been shared that families are continuing to bring dogs onto the playground. For safety reasons, dogs of all sizes are prohibited.
We will have a staffing change come the beginning of October. Ms. Pratt has made the difficult decision to resign from Baltimore City Public Schools. We thank her for starting the year with our students and wish her well in her next endeavors. While this is likely to cause worry for you, our team has been proactive in connecting with teaching candidates and earlier this week I was able to offer the position to a certified teacher. We are currently building the transition plan that will ensure that teaching and learning continue at the pace and rigor we know you expect of our school as we wait for the new teacher to be fully processed and able to begin with us. I am grateful to the families in that classroom as well as our staff that have volunteered to be present and keep instruction moving forward during the transition.
Upcoming Dates**Dates for October have been added to the website calendar. Visit https://www.baltimorecityschools.org/o/federalhill.
Next week is Farewell to Summer Spirit Week. Here is the schedule:
23rd - Bring a family member to morning meeting
This is 1 adult per student. You will be able to enter to sign in via the main entrance starting at 8:30 and then asked to remain in the auditorium until entry is over. Morning meeting runs from 9-9:20. We ask that you respect the time limit of this visit. Siblings are not able to attend this event.
24th - Crazy Hat day
25th - Wear Orange Wednesday
26th - Wear your sunglasses
27th - Wear Purple Friday
Sept. 23-25: Days of Taste Program for 4th grade
Sept. 24: Field Trip to Filbert Street Garden for 4th grade (part of the Days of Taste program)
Friday, September 27th – PTO Kickball game on the Prep playground 5-7 pm
Sept. 29: Ravens vs. Bills Parking at PREP (VOLUNTEERS NEEDED)
Sept. 30- Oct 2: Progress Reports Distributed
Oct 3: PTO Meeting
Oct. 4: Field Trip to Gaver Farm - PreK, PAL, Let’s Grow (4’s and 5’s)
If you have any wows, wonders, or worries, reach out or stop by and leave a post-it for the chart.
Have a restful weekend,
Principal Adams and the entire Prep team
January 17, 2025
Please take a few moments to read through our Virtual Snow Day Plan.
January 3, 2025
Happy New Year Prep community!
It is nice to be back together with your scholars. This month, we are preparing for our Celebrations of Learning. This showcase of the teaching and learning in each classroom will take place on Friday, January 26th. Times are pending but are likely to be in the morning. Additional details will be shared by Ms. Thompson.
We have other hold the date events listed in the upcoming section of the letter. Be sure to take a look at those and read through the additional details of what is happening on campus.
Have a restful weekend,
Principal Adams + the Prep Team
Announcements and Reminders
Academics - The middle of year (MOY) assessment window begins on Monday. Amplify reading and i-Ready math will be administered. The window closes at the end of January and when reports are available, teachers will distribute them. The second quarter ends on Friday, January 17th and report cards distribution is the last week of January.
Attendance - Below is the month by month attendance rates by grade and overall. Our chronic absentee rate is 28.3%. Remember that even excused absences are counted in absentee rates. Absences are considered “excused” for the following reasons: student illness or behavioral health need, death in the immediate family, court summons (with the child’s name on the summons), religious holiday. Absences for any other reason are unexcused or “unlawful.” School staff will follow up with you about unexcused absences, as well as very frequent absences or lateness.
Budget Engagement Process - On Thursday, January 9th at 5:30 pm, we will hold the first session in the budget engagement process for the SY 25-26 budget. The purpose of this session is to share information with the school community regarding the vision of the school. This is an opportunity to gather input and feedback from all stakeholders on priorities presented by the school, engage in discussion surrounding the school priorities, and address general questions presented by stakeholders to ultimately develop the school’s budget. A flyer was backpacked home today to post as a reminder to join us then.
Operations - In certain weather conditions, there may be adjustments to the routines for entry, recess, and dismissal. If there is a change, we will announce via Dojo and intercom. The details for those situations are below. We are still in need of board and card games for when the weather keeps us inside. Donations may be left in the main office labeled as RECESS Donation.
Entry Students not eating breakfast will enter the cafeteria door (if the gates are closed or when snow is on ground) or playground door and report to the auditorium beginning at 8:35.
Recess We will remain indoors for recess anytime the temperature is below 30 degrees. Students are in the classroom and supervised by recess support team members
Dismissal PreK –exits the doors near their door near the playground Kindergarten – dismiss through playground door Grades 1-5 – Teachers and students go to the auditorium. Students will dismiss from there onto the blacktop.
Message from the PTO - Our next PTO meeting will be held on Thursday, January 9th immediately following the Budget Engagement meeting hosted by Principal Adams. Family bingo will take place the evening of January 24th. Additionally, we are excited to announce that Prep Winterfest will be held on February 22nd! Mark your calendars and look for more information to come.
Upcoming Dates
Jan. 6-31: MOY testing – iReady and Amplify
Jan. 9: Budget Engagement + PTO Meeting 5:30 pm in cafeteria
Jan. 14: SFC Council meeting @ 6 pm virtual
Jan. 16: GAL Night 5-6:30pm
Jan. 17: Early Release @ 12:45; Quarter 2 Ends
Jan. 20: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (School and Office Closed)
Jan. 21: Quarter 3 Begins
January 24: Celebration of Learning
Jan. 24: PTO Family Bingo event
Jan. 27-31: 2nd quarter Report Card Distribution Jan. 31: PreK Fairytale Bal
December 13, 2024
Dear Prep families,
Today, progress reports and attendance letters were sent home with each child. Yes, every student received an attendance letter that shares their current attendance percentage rate. Be sure to check your child’s backpack or folder for those items. If you have any wonders or worries about the progress report, connect with your child’s teacher. You are able to monitor grades through the Campus Portal on Infinite Campus. You may reset passwords to access that feature using this link/website: https://www.baltimorecityschools.org/o/bcps/page/campus-portal
Here are other things happening in and around campus:
We are getting prepared for our school-wide trip to see The Nutcracker at the Meyerhoff on Thursday, December 19th. Thank you to all of the parents that offered to attend as chaperones. It was overwhelming (in an amazing way!). There will be 36 spaces for chaperones. Unfortunately, the space to take additional adults is not available. The priority is to support our younger students. Principal Adams has reached out to the parent chaperones directly with a phone call to let them know they were selected. If you did not receive a phone call directly from Mrs. Adams, then you have not been selected for this event.
Here are other important details about trip day to keep in mind: ● We will be departing at 9:00 am. It is critical to be here on time that day!! When students arrive at entry, we will be gathering in the auditorium and cafeteria. There is no need for students to bring backpacks that day. ● Students are encouraged to dress up in their fanciest outfits. ● On trip day, there will be 8 buses to transport us. Our neighbors have been notified about the added traffic. It is important that we work to be respectful during drop off to allow for cars to travel along William Street, Cross Street, and even along Warren Avenue (buses will be there as well). ● Students will have lunch on an adjusted schedule when we return. If your child typically brings lunch from home, they should still do that. ● We will have an assembly the day before with students and chaperones to preview the expectations from the Meyerhoff. ● After lunch, we will celebrate our last FFF of December, yes on Thursday, where students will be able to enjoy a sweet treat. .
Earlier this week, our GAL Committee met. The focus was on monitoring our GAL Implementation Plan, planning for a science fair in the spring, and developing an agenda for GAL Night to be held on January 16th. After winter break, we will share information about that event. With the weather getting colder, recess is indoors more days than not.
We are in search of board or card games for all ages along with floor puzzles. If you have old items that may not get used at home anymore, we would appreciate donations that we can have on hand for those indoor recess days. You may drop those off at the main office beginning in January.
Next week is Winter Solstice Spirit Week. Don’t forget to check the upcoming dates for the out of uniform days. Remember no stuffed toys or slippers on pajama day. We will end the week on December 20th with our Winter Program directed by Ms. Williams. The program for families will begin at 2 pm. Ms. Williams has communicated to each grade level via Dojo any specifics that you may need to know. If you have questions, reach out to her directly.
Please keep an eye on Class Dojo this coming week for updates and reminders. Have a restful weekend,
Principal Adams + the Prep Team
November 26, 2024
Dear Prep staff and families,
As we head into the fall/thanksgiving break, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge how grateful I am to be a part of this school community. The feedback, support, and partnership in the work of revitalizing our school is well underway. It strengthens me and our collective work.
I hope that each of you enjoy the extended weekend with family and friends. Rest and rejuvenate, December is going to be busy!
Much gratitude,
Principal Adams
Dec. 1: Ravens vs. Eagles, Parking @ PREP (VOLUNTEERS NEEDED)
Dec. 2: Kick off December Cozy Day – wear pajamas or favorite sweatshirt
Dec. 5: PTO Meeting /Open House for prospective families 4:30-6
De. 11-13: 2nd quarter Progress Reports Distributed
Dec. 9: Keep it Chill Day hats,scarves, mittens, or pajamas
Dec. 9: Art Experience for 3rd grade (in school)
Dec. 12: Gingerbread House Day – We will celebrate at FFF on 12/13. More details to come.
Dec. 13: Field Trip to B&O Railroad Museum for 1st grade
Dec. 13: National Cocoa Day – We will celebrate at FFF. More details to come.
Dec. 16-20: Winter Solstice Spirit Week
Dec. 16: Pajama Day
Dec. 17: Cozy Day – Wear Flannel shirts
Dec. 18: National Twin Day
Dec: 19: Schoolwide Trip – Nutcracker: Fancy Dress Up Day
Dec. 20: National Ugly Sweater Day
Dec. 20: Winter Celebration
Rehearsal 10:00am
Performance for Families 2:00 pm
Dec 20: PTO Holiday Hot Chocolate handout
Dec. 21: Ravens vs. Steelers, Parking @ PREP (VOLUNTEERS NEEDED)
Dec. 21: Winter Solstice (First Day of Winter)
Dec. 23 - Jan. 1 : Winter Break (School and Office Closed)
November 15, 2024
Hello Prep families,
This week was our first five day week in a while. It was filled with anticipation while we waited for the playground to be finished. And it ended celebrating one of the greatest rivalries in football with an out of uniform day. As you head into the weekend, take a few minutes to read through the updates and upcoming events.
Next week during American Education Week (AEW), there will be opportunities for families to learn about our instructional programming. On Tuesday, at 9:00 am, Ms. Thompson, our IB Coordinator and Librarian, will be presenting an overview of IB. On Wednesday at 9:30, Ms. Ginyard, our Literacy Coach, will be talking about how to understand your child’s DIBELs data and ways to support at home.
On Monday, we will be celebrating first quarter academic achievements. Prekindergarten along with first and second grades will be presented at 9:15. Kindergarten as well as third, fourth, and fifth will take place at 2:15. Both assemblies will take place in the auditorium. We encourage families to join us.
The rest of the schedule for AEW is attached. If you were unable to register for an event, connect with your child’s teacher to let them know you are coming. Details about each event are on the schedule. The class times to go to the book fair are coming but it will be open each day this week. See below for other FAQ about next week and reach out if you have other wonders.
Earlier this week, we sent home a message from some of our families and neighbors reminding all of us to travel cautiously when driving around the school during entry and dismissal. We continue to seek members of our community to support us with crossing at our busiest intersections. If you are able to assist, reach out to me directly.
Celebrate and Recognize our Staff
In partnership with the Fund for Educational Excellence, help us to Share the Love towards our staff. With AEW as well as Thanksgiving, we want to shower staff with gratitude and appreciation for all they do to strengthen our school and help students grow. You can send teachers and other staff members a message by
clicking this link, select our school, choose the staff member you’d like to write a note to, craft your message, and a designed image is created (you’ll see the picture options in the link). We’d love nothing more than to have dozens of notes for every staff member sharing appreciation for all they do. We hope you’ll take some time to write a note to a staff member (or multiple staff members) today!
Looking forward to seeing you this coming week,
Principal Adams + the Prep Team
Upcoming Dates & Events
Nov. 18: Field Trip Arts on Stage Program Kindergarten 9:15 - 11:45
Nov. 18-22: American Education Week
Nov. 18: 1st quarter awards assemblies
PK-2 at 9:15am
3-5 at 2:30pm
Nov. 19: Career Day- DRESS UP in their CAREER GEAR!
Nov. 19: Open House for prospective families 9:30-10:30
Nov. 20: Morning Meeting Visits
Nov. 21: Futures Day: Wear middle school/high school/college gear
Nov. 21: Family Scrapbooking
Prek + K 9:15-9:45
1st + 2nd 9:45-10:15
3rd, 4th + 5th 10:15-10:45
Nov. 22: Fast & Fun Friday Finale: games in the classroom 2:45-3:15
Nov. 27: Wellness Day, Schools and Offices Closed
Nov. 28-29: Thanksgiving Break (School and Office Closed)
Dec. 1: Ravens vs. Eagles, Parking @ PREP (VOLUNTEERS NEEDED)
Dec. 5: International Volunteer Day
Dec. 5: PTO Meeting /Open House for prospective families 4:30-6
American Education FAQ
Do we have to register to attend the events next week? I just logged on to do so and it is closed.
We close the form so we can plan as closely as possible. It is helpful to know which students will have guests with them and which days and the number of materials or seats needed. You may still attend but we ask that you connect with the teacher to let them know. It is most important to register for Scrapbooking and Fun Fast Friday.
How involved is the family scrapbook. I am going to try to get someone to go for the boys. What do we need?
Each child and their guest will make 1 scrapbook page. They should have 3-4 photos to add to the page. That's all you need. Everything else will be provided.
When do the classes go to the book fair? It seems to have started last week, but I do not know and wanted to make sure the boys are prepared for the day their class goes.
Book fair schedule will be shared by Ms. Richardson. Last week was the preview week. It will be open each day including after the events this week.
Is picture day in uniform or not on Friday?
Picture day is individual pictures so students may be out of uniform.
October 25, 2024
Dear Prep families,
It is crazy that we are nearing the end of October and the first quarter of school. Next week will be busy, well the next two weeks. As the quarter ends, teachers are really digging into the times in their schedule where they meet with students in small groups. Small group instruction takes place as part of reading, math, and again during personalized learning. The lessons are in response to the beginning of year (BOY) data that was shared with you at progress reports along with information collected through on-going formative or end of module assessments. For many grades, personalized learning happens at the end of the school day. I flag this for you because early dismissals impact your child’s availability for those lessons that are designed to differentiate instruction to enrich, extend, or revisit content and skills specific for your child. When you check in with your child or their teacher, ask about what is happening in those groups.
Our attendance for October thus far is at 93%. Congrats to our second graders who have a 96% attendance rate this month!! Missing two days in a month will flag your child as chronically absent no matter the reason. If they are ill, be sure to contact the office and let Ms. L. Collins know.
Take a few moments to read through the other announcements and updates including the schedule for American Education Week coming up in November. And we hope to see you this evening at Kickball sponsored by the PTO on our field 4:30-6:30.
Have a restful weekend,
Principal Adams
● Tuesday, October 29th is an early release day. Students dismiss at 12:45 and there is no 3 year old programming.
● The first quarter ends on Tuesday. Report cards will be distributed between November 6th -8th.
● Fall Fest will be held on Thursday, October 31st. Students may come to school in costume but they must be able to run and play in those costumes. Accessories and masks will not be permitted while students are participating in the days’ activities. Accessories that look like weapons are not permitted at all. All students will participate in a Trunk or Treat Parade sponsored by our community partners on the field beginning at 2:15 with our PreK students. The schedule for the day is posted on Dojo or in the office. If you have any questions about the day or are unsure about your child’s costume, reach out to me or your child’s teacher. ● School is closed for students on November 4th and 5th.
Upcoming Dates**Dates for November are being added to the website calendar. Visit https://www.baltimorecityschools.org/o/federalhill. T
Dear Prep families,
Many thanks to all of our families that came out last week for Back-to-School Night. It was the first event of the school year to build the partnership between home and school focused on academics/student growth. If you have not already done so, be sure to complete the All About Me form provided by your child’s teacher. The information provided will assist the teacher in developing your child’s Student Learning Plan (SLP) or Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) for our students identified as GAL. The draft SLP will include the beginning of year data and goals for student growth. It will be shared near the end of the first quarter.
Take a few moments to read through the other announcements and updates including the schedule for Farewell to Summer/Kick off Fall Spirit Week.
Progress reports for the first quarter will be distributed the week of September 30th. If your child is in 4th or 5th grade, it will also include their 2023-24 MCAP scores.
Beginning of year (BOY) testing in literacy and math has begun. Student reports for these tests will be available in mid-October when testing is completed.
If you were unable to access your child’s report card from the 23-24 school year and require a paper copy, contact Ms. L. Collins in the main office. The turn around time on this request is 48-72 hours.
Our current attendance rate for September is 93.67%. This is just shy of the MSDE target of 94%. Attendance is one of the components of the star ratings given by MSDE. As part of our School Performance Plan, we are looking for a decrease in our chronic absenteeism rate. Students are often identified as chronic if they miss 2 days within a month or 5 within a quarter. Today, attendance letters were distributed to students that are in or close to that mark. We encourage you to reach out to us here at school if you need support with attendance routines.
Connected to attendance, when your child is ill, be sure to notify the office. If they are out for 3 or more days, they need a doctor’s note to excuse the absence. Note that vacations are not excused absences even if you have notified us and negatively impact our attendance rating.
This month, traffic control has been in front of the building. This request was made by our neighbors that must travel along William Street. As you are stopping or parking to drop off and pick up, be aware of the parking and driving restrictions in the area to prevent from receiving a ticket.
Additionally for families that are driving, keep an eye on the crosswalks and corners for any students and families that are crossing. Not all of our nearby interactions have crossing guards. If you are interested and available to help us at those congested intersections, please reach out.
It has been shared that families are continuing to bring dogs onto the playground. For safety reasons, dogs of all sizes are prohibited.
We will have a staffing change come the beginning of October. Ms. Pratt has made the difficult decision to resign from Baltimore City Public Schools. We thank her for starting the year with our students and wish her well in her next endeavors. While this is likely to cause worry for you, our team has been proactive in connecting with teaching candidates and earlier this week I was able to offer the position to a certified teacher. We are currently building the transition plan that will ensure that teaching and learning continue at the pace and rigor we know you expect of our school as we wait for the new teacher to be fully processed and able to begin with us. I am grateful to the families in that classroom as well as our staff that have volunteered to be present and keep instruction moving forward during the transition.
Upcoming Dates**Dates for October have been added to the website calendar. Visit https://www.baltimorecityschools.org/o/federalhill.
Next week is Farewell to Summer Spirit Week. Here is the schedule:
23rd - Bring a family member to morning meeting
This is 1 adult per student. You will be able to enter to sign in via the main entrance starting at 8:30 and then asked to remain in the auditorium until entry is over. Morning meeting runs from 9-9:20. We ask that you respect the time limit of this visit. Siblings are not able to attend this event.
24th - Crazy Hat day
25th - Wear Orange Wednesday
26th - Wear your sunglasses
27th - Wear Purple Friday
Sept. 23-25: Days of Taste Program for 4th grade
Sept. 24: Field Trip to Filbert Street Garden for 4th grade (part of the Days of Taste program)
Friday, September 27th – PTO Kickball game on the Prep playground 5-7 pm
Sept. 29: Ravens vs. Bills Parking at PREP (VOLUNTEERS NEEDED)
Sept. 30- Oct 2: Progress Reports Distributed
Oct 3: PTO Meeting
Oct. 4: Field Trip to Gaver Farm - PreK, PAL, Let’s Grow (4’s and 5’s)
If you have any wows, wonders, or worries, reach out or stop by and leave a post-it for the chart.
Have a restful weekend,
Principal Adams and the entire Prep team
August 30, 2024
Dear Prep families,
This first week of school has been a joy! Talking with students, watching teachers build their classroom communities, receiving the feedback that routines are going well, and interacting with families– the first pieces of building the foundation for a strong school year are all coming together.
There are some things that have shifted slightly from last year along with district updates to policies I need to be sure you are aware of and/or know where to find. Settle in, it’s a long read!
You may have noticed the signs on the doors that highlight visitor protocols. All school visitors should familiarize themselves with City Schools’ recently updated building entry protocols to promote a safe learning environment for all. Visitors to any school, including parents and guardians, must use the designated visitor entrances to enter. Once visitors enter a school building they must proceed immediately to the main office or designated check-in point. The visitor will need to present a photo ID, which will be scanned to confirm that the individual is not on the sex offender registry. Next, visitors will get a badge that must be worn while inside. City Schools may set reasonable limitations on school and classroom visits, including the time, length and frequency of any visits, and the number of visitors. Here at Federal Hill Prep, because entry is a busy time of the day, parents are not permitted inside the building. This is so teachers are able to efficiently and safely organize the class to begin instruction in a timely manner.
Entry and dismissal procedures this year have our students in first through fifth grade using the blacktop so that we have space to spread out. Kindergarten and Prekindergarten are up near the playground area. In the morning, support staff transition students inside as teachers finish last minute preparations for the day.
Breakfast begins at 8:25. Students that enter for breakfast remain in the cafeteria until 8:45 when it is time to transition to class. Parents may stay for breakfast by entering and leaving through the cafeteria door.
We will be closing our Bloomz account and will use Class Dojo and our website to communicate. Your child’s teacher has provided a code. If you did not receive it, reach out to the teacher or Ms. Richardson. Occasionally, we will also back pack home updates. Please note: if you are visiting the website that has videos of students and former Principal Long, that site is inaccurate and will not be updated. It will be decommissioned. Bookmark this one: Prep Website. It is not fully updated but the calendar for September has been.
During Back to School (BTS) Night on September 12th 5-7 pm, adult family members that would like to volunteer this school year will be able to be fingerprinted. Then in early October we will host a volunteer training preparing interested members of our school community to support the building in positive, peaceful, productive ways. Whether you’d like to help once a week or once a month, you will need to attend volunteer training and sign our volunteer pledge. A virtual opportunity will be available.
Attendance is taken once a day in elementary schools. If your child is absent, you should expect to receive an automated phone call at the end of the day letting you know that your child was not in school that day. If your child is absent, please send a note within three days of their return to school explaining the reason. School staff will follow up with you about unexcused absences, as well as very frequent absences or lateness.
If you have not already done so, be sure to complete the Annual Student Verification. All student information must be updated or verified - even if no changes exist. Learn more about this on the district website: www.baltimorecityschools.org/ page/annual-student-verification .
All of this information and more is available on the BCPS website. Use the Back to School Resources link for additional details.
Finally this week, I’d like to share a way we are celebrating our students this school year. Each Friday, we will hold a Fast Fun Friday (FFF) event. During these events, students that have demonstrated being Prep leaders throughout the week will be able to participate in a fun activity. These activities range from games to crafts to special snacks. We don’t tell ahead of time the exact activity to build the excitement. The goal is to celebrate students for showing they are ready, responsible, engaged in their learning, and demonstrate kindness/care. For the next few weeks, all students will participate. Ask your child about what today’s activity was. And be on the lookout for ways you may be able to support us with preparation or facilitation of a FFF event in the future.
Everyone have a restful weekend. We’ll see you Tuesday!
Principal Adams and the Prep Team