BSO OrchKids
Our school is proud of our partnership with the afterschool program, Orchkids.
"In collaboration with several community partners, OrchKids provides music education, instruments, academic assistance, meals, mental health resources, connection to social services, as well as performance and mentorship opportunities -- all at no cost to students and their families. OrchKids is an acknowledged leader in the El Sistema movement throughout the world." - Retrieved from the OrchKids website.
CTY-BES-Baltimore Emergent Scholars Afterschool Program
The CTY Baltimore Emerging Scholars Program is co-run by Baltimore City Public Schools and Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth to provide rigorous, gifted-level content to elementary students to support their rapid growth in science, reading, math, and critical thinking.
ELD Afterschool Program
An after-school remedial program, organized to support Multilingual Learners, taking into account the data from the WIDA Model and WIDA Access assessments based on students' language proficiency levels.
This program is focused on reinforcing knowledge in the four language domains: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking.
Art Club
5th grade art students learn different art techniques and mediums to create special art projects. Students take their art experiences to a more advanced level. The club meets on select Mondays from 2:40PM-3:30PM according to an art club calendar. In order to be eligible for art club, 5th grade students must have good attendance and consistently show the 3 R’s – Respectful, Responsible, and Ready.
Green Team
The "Green Team" is a monthly after-school program where students learn to be good stewards to the environment. Students meet for an hour each month to learn more about how to help and protect the natural environment. Each year, we cover a different theme. This year's theme is all about trees and learning to use the leaves, seeds and flowers on a tree for identification. Students also help to keep the garden in front of the school active by planting new native flowers and plants to add into what is already there
Students in grades 4-8, who demonstrate the three R's in school by being respectful, responsible, and ready, are encouraged to play on our school baseball team.
During practice, students learn the fundamentals of baseball such as throwing, catching fielding, and hitting rules. On game days, students get to experience the thrill of competing against neighboring schools.
Soccer Club
Our middle-school soccer players have the opportunity to experience a healthy, safe, and developmentally appropriate environment where they can learn about, and develop a love for the game of soccer.
Students participate in competitions, which are a combination of scrimmages and matches against neighboring school's club teams.
Highlandtown #215 Concert Band

The Highlandtown #215 Concert Band consists of 7th and 8th grade students learning woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments. While mastering their instruments, students not only learn how to read music, but about resiliency, discipline, and progress over product. The band performs 2 concerts a year, one in the Winter and one in the Spring. We also perform at graduation ceremonies, the District Office, special events at Highlandtown, and at the City-Wide Band Festival where this photo was taken