ELD Toolkit for Staff
A growing number of our students and families are multilingual. Here are resources about English Language Development services and tools and tips for serving multilingual families.
How can staff serve multilingual families?
First, determine the family's language; then, use one of the supports below.
Face-to-face interpretation
Bilingual staff assigned to a school with ELD programming can assist with interpretation as their schedules allow. They may also provide limited translation services and interpretation for family meetings, phone calls home, and other schoolwide events. Bilingual staff members may be able to support meetings and events after school hours. An online request for an interpreter should be submitted at least five days before the event.
Telephonic Interpretation
ACSI is the district’s interpretation service. It can be accessed using a PIN number specific to a school or central office location. ACSI provides Over-the-Phone (OPI) and Video Remote (VR) interpretation. For information about special education services, please contact the Office of Special Education.
City Schools produces many printed documents in English and Spanish, and the website can be translated into multiple languages by selecting the desired language at the top right of any page. In addition, the district has a contract with TransACT, which houses numerous school-related documents in multiple languages.
Registering and identifying students
Academic scheduling, programming, and accommodations
Annual English language proficiency assessment
ESOL staff
ESOL positions are locked and funded centrally, with the scope of work aligned to Title III requirements. Recruitment is a collaboration between the individual school and Central Office, as candidates are interviewed by the ELD Office to ensure that Title III requirements are met. Attendance at professional development provided by the ELD Office throughout the school year is expected for these staff members. All ESOL positions are locked.
ESOL educational associate: Supports planning, development, or administration of the ELD program; provides systemic and school-based professional development; functions as a liaison between the ELD Office and schools; clarifies district policy guidelines and regulations; and supports ESOL teachers in best practices for instruction and assessment.
ESOL teacher: Provides ELD instruction to MLs, using an instructional model based on student needs; assesses and maintains required data.
ESOL paraeducator: Provides instructional support to MLs; provides interpretation services; works to engage multilingual families in the school community; prepares and facilitates parent workshops.
ESOL assessment teacher: Administers screener assessments to prospective MLs enrolled at schools that do not provide ELD service; communicates the impact of ELD eligibility to multilingual families; provides support for school-based staff and administrators regarding best practices to serve MLs.
For more information, review ELD Staffing Fact Sheet.