School Staff

Certification & Licensure

City Schools’ Certification Office provides certification services to current certificated employees  (teachers, specialists, and administrators) in contracted positions (Baltimore Teachers Union and  PSASA).  If your position does not require an educator certificate to perform essential functions of your job, you must request certification directly through the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE).  If you have questions, please email us or call the number below.

Hours of Operation: 
Monday through Friday: 
8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.


License transfer

New MSDE regulations became effective on April 1, 2024. Current educators who hold an active certificate will not need to worry about the new renewal requirements, as they will be transitioned to the new license at the expiration of the current certificate.


ALL MARYLAND EDUCATORS must register their educator account with "The Educator  Application and Certification Hub" (TEACH), Maryland's portal for educator certification.  

Renewal requests

Effective October 1, 2024, educators will no longer be required to log into their City Schools account to submit renewal requests. Instead, all certification renewal applications must be submitted exclusively through the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) system.


Dana Hopkins

Certification Analyst 
(Last Name A-F)
Email Dana Hopkins

Sireesha Deverapalli

Certification Specialist 
(Last Names G-N)
Email Sireesha Deverapalli

Brej’ae Green

Certification Analyst
(Last Names O-Z)
Email Brej’ae Green

Cera Doering

Director of Recruitment & Selection
Email Cera Doering