Baltimore City Public Schools Retirement

Thank you for serving our students!

The Baltimore City Public Schools Office of Human Capital retirement service team is here to assist our staff with the critical decision to retire and move into the next chapter in their lives.

Retirement Presentation: Maryland State Retirement System

This presentation briefly overviews the retirement process and what to expect. We also encourage you to contact the Maryland State Retirement Agency (MSRA) directly for specifics regarding your benefit options and monthly benefit amount. All BCERS (Baltimore City Employee Retirement Systems) members must contact the agency directly for guidance using the following link: BCERS. If you are unsure of what retirement system you are a member of, please send an email to jokiji@bcps,

Retirement Guides

Eligibility Requirements

Teacher’s Pension System (Members before 6/30/2011)

Service Retirement (full benefit)

Early Retirement (reduced benefit)

30 years of service or;

62 with at least 5 years of service

63 with at least 4 years of service

64 with at least 3 years of service

65 with at least 2 years of service

Age 55 with at least 15 years of eligibility service

The greatest reduction is 42%

Reformed Pension System (New Members as of 7/1/2011 or later)

Service Retirement (full benefit)

Early Retirement (reduced benefit)

Age 65 with at least 10 years of eligibility service or

Rule of 90: age and eligibility service must total 90

Age 60 with at least 15 years of eligibility service

The greatest reduction is 30%

Click the link above to sign up for the Understanding Your Retirement Information Session 6-12 months before your planned retirement.

Visit mySRPS for Estimate of Retirement Allowances.

Attend a Retirement Workshop for explanation of forms, payment options, and health insurance once you have a retirement date.

Attendance at a Retirement Information Session is a prerequisite for the Retirement Workshop.

Click the link above to schedule your 1 on 1 with a Retirement Coordinator.

Forms: 766, 85, 13-23, 4 (optional), & FW4P must be filled out.

Seminars & Webinars

Partner Links

Useful videos, forms, and mySRPS 

Mail/Office Visits          120 East Baltimore St., 14th Fl.
Baltimore, MD 21202-6700
Phone: 410-625-5555 or toll-free 1-800-492-5909
Fax: 410-468-1700/1707
Email the SRA

Phone: 443-984-3200

Baltimore City Employee Benefits Division
Phone: 410-396-5830
Enrollment Unit: 410-545-1516

Toll-free number: 1-800-MEDICARE
TTY number: 1-877-486-2048

Toll-free at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778)