Academic Programming

Along side the approved Baltimore City Public Schools curriculum PORT Virtual Learning Program will have two additional foci:

Project Based Learning

A unique feature of the Secondary Virtual Learning School is our project based learning model for all students. The implementation of project based learning allows for teacher teams to build out cross curricular projects each semester for students to enhance and enrich individualized learning.

Students will:

  • Solve problems that are grade appropriate and of interest to the individual student.

  • Engage in projects that directly tie to the students courses for the semester.

  • Be able to choose how to demonstrate learned knowledge that solve problems and encourage critical thinking.

Enrichment Periods

Built daily into all content courses is a dedicated enrichment period. This time is used for individualized learning and additional opportunities for acceleration and remediation. This is time where students have the opportunity to further explore content as individuals, in small groups of through individualized plans as determined by the teacher. This time will serve to enhance our student learning experiences. 


All students will be assigned to an Advisory team that will meet for an extended period each Wednesday. The advisory group as a whole will work to develop a mini-community within the virtual space and will focus on social-emotional learning to provide support for the whole child.