Student of the Month
Niyem Norris
Niyem has been a model student this quarter in my class.He has worked hard on every assignment, he participates really well also.Kourtrey Douglas
Kourtney is an amazing student; she has a 98% in my class, so she obviously does all of the work and does a great job on it all as well. However, what really sets her apart beyond the academic achievements is that she always has her camera on, consistently participates, and she has a positive attitude.Grant Travis
Grant always has his camera on, always has a positive definer, always has a kind word to say about his classmates.Morgan Clark
Morgan is an extremely hard worker. She attends coach class weekly to ensure she is on target with classwork and new programs. She collaborates and assists classmates with work, always has her camera on and has 100% participation and attendance in my class since her first day! She is a role model for other students and emits positive energy to all of us.