Founded in 2008 with a mission to build a diverse and respectful community of joyfully engaged learners, Baltimore Montessori Public Charter School serves students from preschool through 8th grade. Our middle grades program responds to the unique developmental needs of young adolescents by anchoring meaningful academic study in a real-world context. The challenging and engaging curriculum prepares students for high school and beyond while supporting community engagement and promoting lifelong learning. In addition to core subjects, students’ course of study includes culinary and visual arts, as well as opportunities for service learning and student-led businesses.
Operator Renewal Recommendation:
On January 14, 2025, the Baltimore City School of Board Commissioners voted to renew the operator of this school for a 3-year term with conditions. The process by which operator schools are reviewed is called operator renewal and is part of the district’s Annual Review of Schools. To learn about this decision or decisions for other schools, please visit the City Schools Annual Review of Schools webpage: https://www.baltimorecityschools.org/page/annual-review.