Operator Renewal Recommendation:
The Baltimore City School of Board Commissioners is considering recommendations as part of the review of the operator of this school. The process by which operator schools are reviewed is called operator renewal and is part of the district’s Annual Review of Schools. Operator contracts can be renewed for three, five or eight-year terms or could be recommended for non-renewal and possible closure. Based on this review the school operator is being recommended to continue its contract for a five-year term. To learn about these recommendations or for recommendations for other schools as well as how to provide feedback to inform the Board’s decision-making process, please visit City Schools Annual Review of Schools page found here: https://www.baltimorecityschools.org/page/annual-review.
City Neighbors High School uses a progressive and innovative model that challenges students to the highest level of academic excellence and the highest level of personal and communal good to create our school. We see our students as creative, powerful, and deserving of the deepest respect. Through our internship program, fabrication lab, intense coursework, and extended advisory program, students are able to learn both academically and socially. Over 90% of our students graduate, and we have 94% attendance. Students at CNHS are known, loved, and inspired. The Board of School Commissioners approved a recommendation to renew the school charter for City Neighbors High School for 5 years. Learn more at http://bit.ly/portfolio-rec.