The College and Career Readiness Office believes that students have the right to find, pursue, and live their passion. Use the tools below to explore, experience, and plan the journey that is right for you. Don’t hesitate to reach out to an adult at your school such as a counselor or a CTE instructor to find out more.
K-8: Awareness and Exploration
Elementary and Middle school are foundational years for building a student's postsecondary awareness. In grades K-8, Baltimore City Public Schools focus is on developing the college and career exposure of our young people and helping them learn about their personal strengths and interests that will lead to their success.
Every student in grades K-8 will have an individual postsecondary learning plan. With every 6th grader going on a college tour, every 7th grader taking part in a CTE tour, and every 8th grader experiencing a job shadow.
The following tools and activities are resources to support the development of each student's individual postsecondary learning plan.
Coming Soon! CCR Trajectory: Cheat sheet of what our young people should know and do related to college and career readiness at each grade level to have a smooth transition into high school and on to college, career, military, or work.
Plan2BMore: City Schools platform for students in grades 6-12 to have the planning tools to build a SMART postsecondary plan. Access through City Schools' Clever portal.
Work-Based Learning: Awareness and exposure are important elements in a young person’s discovery of themselves, their community, and the world of work. City Schools offers a calendar of weekly, monthly, and special career readiness events in partnership with industry and community partners. Ask your school and school counselor about participating in a Career Readiness Friday, Career Show and Tell Days, Career Fairs, and more.
Parent Resources: Conversation starters to support your young person in their college and career readiness journey.
High school choice and CTE programs
Career Technical Education Pathway Options: Earn a high school degree and an industry-recognized certification.
Making the Choice: Leverage Plan2BMore to help you in your high school choice process. Access through City Schools' Clever portal.
High School: Planning, Preparation, and Experience
High school is the launch pad into postsecondary pathways and adulthood. Whether you decide to go to a two- or four-year college, an apprenticeship program, training program, the military, or directly to work, having a plan that is passion aligned and informed is a sure way of ensuring persistence, completion, and success.
City Schools Office of College and Career Readiness is here to support our students in discovering their path to their careers.
Learn about the college process, career planning, preparation, and training below.
Work-Based Learning: While in high school, work-based learning opportunities can help you figure out what you like to do as well as what you don't like so much. Talk to your school and school counselor to take part in work-based learning events, courses, and programmings such as internships, youth apprenticeships, and more.
College is one pathway towards exploring and securing the career of your dreams! Finding happiness and success in your career after high school begins by exploring the right type of pathways and considering several options that are academic, financially, and socially comfortable. The resources here provide tools for our students and families to plan, apply, budget, and transition to a post-secondary institution of higher education.

College Preparation & Planning
Students and families are highly encouraged to visit and follow our College and Career Playlist on City Schools TV!
Transition from high school to postsecondary success
The Navigator Center connects recent Baltimore City Schools graduates with meaningful college and career pathways that link the young adults of Baltimore with empowering routes to family-supporting wages.
Any City Schools graduate under the age of 24 is encouraged to make a one-on-one appointment to discuss their career and college goals with a professional postsecondary coach by visiting our Navigator Center website and scheduling an appointment today.