Scholar Superstar

Scholar Superstars are nominated by school leaders, teachers, and administrators, then chosen by a nomination committee of five City Schools staff members and two members of the Board of School Commissioners. They are leaders and contributors in their school communities, and we are delighted to honor them.

Principals, teachers, and other City Schools staff, if you know a student who should be recognized for their excellence in academics and extracurricular activities, please submit your nomination using the links located in the Inside Scoop and School Leader Updates emails! The criteria and nomination details can be found on the nomination form. Please note that nominations do not guarantee selection.



Jakai Benskin
City Neighbors High School
Grade - 12

As a transfer student to City Neighbors High School, Jakai was placed in music class automatically – this proved to be a great fit, allowing him to thrive as a member of the steelpan band and the choir. Jakai found his passion in music class and continued as part of the steel pan band even when it didn’t fit into his regular class schedule. Jakai is dedicated to his school community, participating in and establishing several clubs and extracurricular activities for his classmates over the years he has attended City Neighbors. Jakai credits his Mom and Grandma as his biggest supporters along his scholastic journey, and his efforts have earned him numerous academic honors, including full-ride scholarships to several colleges. Click here to watch Jakai's interview in Spanish.

Kerron Tucker
Liberty Elementary School
Grade - 5

Kerron has been a great inspiration for his peers at Liberty Elementary School, bravely joining the cheerleading team because he was curious and unbothered by the thought of potential bullies. Through his dedication to excellence on the cheer team, he has become a leader, often working individually to help struggling teammates overcome obstacles to master challenging routines. Kerron is a great example of what it means to be a Scholar Superstar in Baltimore City. Click here to watch Kerron's video in Spanish.