Teacher assisting student with classroom activity

City Schools believe students have the best chance to succeed when youth, families, community partners and staff work together through full, equal, and authentic partnerships. School Family and Community (SFC) Councils bring together the school’s core stakeholders in a way that uses the full resources of the community and allows shared decision making and advocacy in support of all City Schools families. SFC Councils work to disrupt and dismantle systems that keep decision making centralized for some but not all.

What are School Family and Community (SFC) Councils? 

Watch this short video to learn more about its processes.

Who can join?

SFC Councils are for school leaders, educators, staff, students, families, and community partners! SFC Councils have the required voting membership below, but ALL can attend a SFC Council meeting.

October 14, 2023 - Charm City Virtual - School Family Community Council

Why SFC Councils are important.

SFC Councils are rooted in the fundamental principle of school-based decision-making that individuals who are affected by the decision, possess expertise regarding the decision, and are responsible for implementing the decision, should be involved in making the decision. This concept often is attached to broader efforts to acknowledge and disrupt the historical and

How SFC Councils work

Watch the video to see it in action!

SFC Councils provide a coordinated structure for both information-sharing and shared decision-making, all in service of supporting and celebrating our students' academic achievement and unique cultural experiences and strengths. With diverse stakeholders in the room, we will be able to create school environments that genuinely honor the racial, cultural, geographical, and lived experiences of our communities and allow our students to thrive.