Baltimore City Public Schools is committed to ensuring that all children and youth have equal access to educational programs and school-related activities. To that end, district and school staff routinely collaborate with placement agencies and resource providers to eliminate all barriers to the enrollment of children and youth who are in State-supervised care, as well as ensure the stability of their educational environment.
In accordance with the Fostering Connections to Success Act and all other applicable local, state, and federal laws/regulations, City Schools maintains mutually-beneficial partnerships with people and offices/departments to promote the education and well-being of children in State-supervised care, including the following:
CEO Ombudsman
Court-Appointed Advocates
Extracurricular/Enrichment Coaches
IEP/504 Chairpersons
Parent Surrogates
Related Service Providers
School Administrators
School Counselors
Achievement and Accountability
College and Career Readiness
Equity Office
Family and Community Engagement
Human Capital
Information Technology
Special Education
Student and School Operations Support
Student Records
Student Transportation
Whole Child Services and Support
According to COMAR 13A.08.07, when a student is initially placed in state-supervised care or placement changes, the student may remain in the same school that they have been attending, unless changing schools is in the student's best interests. When it has been determined that it is best for the student to change schools, they are entitled to enroll in the new school immediately, without any delay due to the lack of required documentation. Additionally, the applicable laws enable City Schools and local placement agencies to monitor and support the educational stability and success of children in state-supervised care in other ways, including maintaining and sharing data regarding academic and socio-emotional gains, as well as ensuring the prompt transfer of records.
City Schools’ staff and state placement agencies, except in emergency circumstances, typically confer to determine the school that will ensure the best outcomes for the student, and assist in achieving educational stability, safety, and meaningful relationships for each student in state-supervised care. Based upon the best interest determination, the Office of Enrollment, Choice, and Transfers will decide if the student should:
remain in the school of origin, considering the appropriateness of the educational setting;
or, if an intra-district transfer to another school would be in the student’s best interest.
The presumption is that a student will remain in the school of origin to provide social stability and educational continuity for the student. If there is a need to transfer to another school, the student will be enrolled immediately or within 2 (two) school days of receiving notice of enrollment, and school staff will be responsible for ensuring the provision of appropriate services, as well as requesting the prompt transfer of the student’s educational records, if applicable.
Additional information regarding students in state-supervised care can be found in the related Board Policy and Administrative Regulations below:
Additional Questions/concerns about state-supervised care enrollment can be directed here or 410-396-8600.