June 14, 2023 For Immediate Release

BALTIMORE – On June 13, 2023, Ethan Eblaghie, a rising senior at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, was appointed as the Interim Student Commissioner of Baltimore City Public Schools. The Associated Student Congress of Baltimore City (ASCBC) appointed Eblaghie to hold the position until the upcoming Fall 2023 election.

Eblaghie is a dedicated and long-serving student leader with a wealth of experience in SGA leadership and climate advocacy. His previous role as the ASCBC President for the 2022-23 academic year and vast knowledge of district policy more than qualifies him to support the betterment of City Schools.  

"We felt that Ethan would be the most prepared applicant to seamlessly transition into this role because of his prior experience working with the Board, his expertise on City Schools policy, and his genuine passion for the position. We’re excited to welcome Ethan to this position as we work continuously to foster and develop student leadership in Baltimore," says ASCBC members.

Eblaghie fills the vacancy created by the expired term of Student Commissioner Quinn Katz-Zogby. Following Eblaghie's appointment, Yasmine Blanchard, the current Vice President of ASCBC, will serve as ASCBC's President until the election.

To read the full statement prepared by African-American Diversity Liaison Camille Coffey on behalf of the ASCBC, please click here.

 About Baltimore City Public Schools  

Serving approximately 78,000 students, Baltimore City Public Schools is committed to providing a world-class education through the Blueprint for Success which addresses the critical areas of student wholeness, literacy, and staff leadership. The goal of City Schools is to create learning communities where our students will learn, grow, and graduate from our high schools college and career ready, and equipped to succeed wherever their life may take them.