June 28, 2023 For Immediate Release

On June 28, 2023, the Maryland State Board of Education issued an opinion on the matter of Baltimore City Public Charter Schools Mandatory Blueprint Fees. Per the petition, seven charter school operators in Baltimore City had filed a Petition for Declaratory Ruling asking the State Board to invalidate what they describe as a mandatory 25% Blueprint fee.

City Schools argued the fee did not reflect the intent of The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Act. Following the opinion (view it here), City Schools issued the following statement:

The State Board of Education’s opinion correctly recognizes our efforts to implement the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Act, to ensure all students, especially the most vulnerable, can access the robust educational opportunities they have always deserved. City Schools appreciates the broad support from many charter operators, special education advocates, and state organizations. We hope that the State Board’s decision marks a final resolution so we can all focus on our shared mission of educational equity for City School students.