July 31, 2023

City Schools is pleased to offer a variety of summer learning opportunities to students across the city. We are committed to programming that enables our students to grow academically and have quality experiences that support their growth.

Recently, we have become aware of misunderstandings about how students enrolled at charter/operator-led schools can participate in offerings at traditional schools. The difference is in the model and funding. We are sharing this summary to clarify the matter:

  • Charter schools are designed to provide innovative programming that is different than the typical offerings of traditional schools and the district office.
  • Charter/operator-led schools take on the responsibility of designing and providing programming aligned with their models including summer or other out-of-school time offerings. 
  • City Schools has designated a portion of its ESSER funding for summer programs at traditional schools. 
  • At the same time, charter/operator-led schools received funding to support their educational programs, which may include summer learning options. While charter/operator-led schools can determine how to use their ESSER funds, many offer summer programming. Charters have also sought and received grant funding for summer programming.

Decisions about what summer offerings will look like for the upcoming year occurs as part of the budget process. Families and community members are encouraged to participate in their school’s budget meetings   which typically occurs in the Spring of each year

There is a wealth of summer learning opportunities offered by community organizations. To learn more about those experiences, visit our summer learning resources webpage.