October 4, 2023

Friday, October 6, is the first of three assigned asynchronous (at-home learning) days for the 2023-24 school year. Students will work independently online and offline at their own pace, from home using devices provided by City Schools.

Teachers and schools have pre-planned for asynchronous days by ensuring that all materials and resources are readily available and students have been instructed on how to access materials, engage with content, and submit work. 

Attendance on asynchronous days will be determined based on student engagement through submitted assignments and activities. Students who are marked absent due to the lack of a computer or internet access will be coded as “BCPSS Emergency” for the day. 

City Schools has also prepared support for various student groups:

  • Pre-K students will engage in four hours of hands-on and experiential learning, purposeful play, and physical development at home with a learning partner. Schools have provided virtual learning day workbooks and/or virtual learning materials in advance. 
  • Multilingual learners will receive English Language Development instruction with their ESOL teachers and the support of ESOL Paraeducators and assistants through virtual learning platforms. 
  • Students with disabilities will receive services and support in line with their Individual Education Plans (IEP) via virtual delivery methods like Zoom and Google Classroom. Students with Section 504 Plans will have accommodations and services as outlined in their formal 504 plans. 

City Schools encourages families to actively support students while learning from home, as families are vital partners in the success of student learning. Below are links that have been distributed by schools for students, along with school-specific guidance. 

Virtual Learning Day Guide 

Guía del día de aprendizaje virtual.

Any families with questions are urged to please contact their student’s school for support.