January 20, 2022

How attendance is marked

Baltimore City Public Schools continues to update its health and safety effort as students and staff return to in-person learning this winter. Visit our website homepage weekly to get the latest insight for students and families on this critical work; staff will receive updates via the Inside Scoop weekly newsletter or supplementary email. 

The Baltimore City Health Department has recommended that City Schools continue with its ongoing health and safety steps listed below. City Schools leaders meet weekly with the Health Department to ensure our response is aligned with the community-wide effort.

How virtual learning and quarantines impact how attendance is marked
Students are most successful academically and socially when they attend school each day, on time. Maryland law also requires that students attend school daily.

Currently, City Schools is hosting classes in person. Our attendance policy has not changed. Students are expected to attend school in person unless they submit a valid reason for an absence. In some cases, schools may shift to a virtual learning format for a limited period. In this case, students will be provided with instructional resources to support their continued in engagement in learning until in-person learning resumes. Attendance during required periods of virtual learning or quarantine will be handled in the following ways:

Students in schools that temporarily transition to virtual learning

  • Students who are engaged in virtual learning will be marked present. 
  • Students who have access to a laptop or lessons but are not engaged in virtual learning will be marked “Absent Unexcused.” Schools will then reach out to the family to re-engage the student or determine if the absence should be excused.
  • An absence will be excused if a student has a compelling reason for being unable to access instructional resources.


  • Students that are quarantining or sick must not attend school in person during the quarantine period.
  • If a student is quarantining and sick, the student should focus on getting well. They do not need to participate in virtual learning while ill. This will be marked as an excused absence.
  • If a student is quarantining and not sick, they will be encouraged to participate in classes and learning activities provided by the school. Students will be marked as present if they participate. However, if the student does not participate in learning activities, they will be marked with an excused absence
  • Once the quarantine period ends, the student must return to class or be marked as absent.

If you have questions about how attendance is being recorded, please contact your school’s principal. You may learn more about attendance in City Schools at baltimorecityschools.org/attendance.