February 28, 2022 For Immediate Release

Robert Salley, who began his teaching career in Baltimore more than 20 years ago, has been appointed to the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners by Mayor Brandon M. Scott. Salley was sworn-in as a commissioner on February 21.

Salley currently serves as the Deputy Director for WestEd, a non-profit focused on improving learning, healthy development, and equity in schools and communities. He previously held policy and program positions with the U.S. Department of Education, United States Senate, New York City Department of Education, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Salley fills the vacancy created by the expired term of Commissioner Martha James-Hassan.

In announcing Salley’s appointment, Mayor Scott said, “With his assistance and support, I know that we will succeed in our shared goal to put our young people in the best position possible to achieve their dreams and reach their full potential.” 

The Board of School Commissioners believes Salley’s background will aid its work.

“Robert’s extensive experience in education programs and policy will be a great asset to the Board in ensuring that our students have the opportunities they deserve,” said Johnette Richardson, board chair. “We will all benefit from his experience and insight.”

Salley holds a Bachelor of Arts in political science from the University of Nevada, a Master of Arts in teaching from Johns Hopkins University, and a Master of Arts in organizational psychology from Columbia University.

“I am honored to serve the students and parents of Baltimore City and the greater community. I believe in the importance of supporting our students in achieving a high-quality education and preparation for post-secondary success.”