April 21, 2022

Baltimore City Public Schools is excited to announce the continuation of our Virtual Learning Program (VLP), the district’s online educational program, for the 2022-23 school year. The VLP will serve students in grades 3 to 12

Applications of students who are currently enrolled in the VLP with strong attendance and who have demonstrated academic success in the 2021-22 school year will be prioritized. A limited number of seats is available for new applicants to the VLP in grades 3 to 8, and more seats are available for grades 9 to 12. Students who apply and are accepted must make a one-year commitment to the virtual program. 

Applications will be handled through Campus Portal, and must be completed by Friday, May 6 at 5 p.m. Please take the following steps to apply:

  1. Click here to access Campus Portal or go to https://baltimore.infinitecampus.org
  2. After you sign in, click the link in the message center about the Virtual Learning Program application.
  3. You will be taken to your student's profile page. Click the link at the top of the page for the Virtual Learning Program.
  4. Complete the survey and click "submit".

If you do not have a Campus Portal account, visit baltimorecityschools.org/campus-portal for directions on setting up your account.

Additional information about the program, along with answers to frequently asked questions, may be found below. Questions may also be emailed to VLP Enrollment.

What is the City Schools Virtual Learning Program (VLP)?
City Schools VLP is an online educational program designed for students in grades 3-12 who excelled in school year (SY) 2021-2022 and want to continue their education in a virtual environment for SY 2022-2023. VLP students will have access to a core curriculum based on the Maryland state standards for their respective grade levels. The primary mode of instruction is virtual – both synchronous and asynchronous experiences. 

How many VLPs will City Schools offer during the 2022 -2023 school year?
Pending state approval, City Schools will offer two VLPs during the 2022–23 school year.  Charm City VLP will serve students in grades 3-8, and Port VLP will serve students in grades 9-12.

What is the daily/weekly schedule for the virtual learning programs?
The VLP will operate Monday - Friday. Sample schedules can be found here: (Sample schedules).

What are the VLP academic and attendance requirements?
The VLP will operate in alignment with the City Schools 2022-23 calendar (some special situations may apply) attached here (Calendar). In the case of snow or weather-related closures, the VLP will remain open unless a Maryland State of Emergency is issued. The VLP will adhere to City Schools’ grading policy and will use the student information system, Infinite Campus (IC), for entering and maintaining  grades. Student attendance will be taken daily using IC. Students will be expected to attend all synchronous classes and engage in asynchronous learning assignments.  If a student fails to meet the attendance requirements of (90%) or to make academic progress, the student may return to in-person learning.

What courses will be offered in the VLP? Are the VLP courses/classes aligned to the Maryland state standards?
The VLP will offer the core academic courses aligned to the Maryland state standards and required by the Maryland State Department of Education (e.g. (English, Mathematics, Science, and History/Social Studies). Courses will provide a route to earning a Maryland High School Diploma. Based on enrollment and staffing, limited electives will also be offered.

Who is eligible for the VLP?
For SY 2022-23, City Schools adjusted the VLP to serve students in grades 3-12 who meet the VLP attendance and academics criteria. Kindergarten and grade 1 students who participated in the VLP during the 2021-22 school year and who meet the attendance and academic criteria will be allowed to continue in the VLP during this transition phase.  Existing VLP families of students with a strong attendance record and who have demonstrated academic success with virtual learning during the 2021-22 school year will be prioritized for the VLP. 

A small number of students with special circumstances that impact their ability to attend in-person learning may be considered for the VLP either for the full year or as a short-term placement. Special circumstances will require a written appeal and the completion of a waiver process.

What does a “strong attendance record” mean?
A “strong attendance record” means that students attended most of their classes/courses during the 2021-22 school year. Students identified as chronically absent (absent 10% or more of the school days while enrolled at school) during the 2021-22 school year are not encouraged to apply for the VLP. If they choose to apply, then an additional review by the VLP administrative team will be conducted to determine whether the VLP is an appropriate program for their social, emotional and academic development.

What does “demonstrated academic success” mean?
“Demonstrated academic success” means that during the 2021-2022 school year (Quarter 1-3), the student received passing grades in their core courses or showed academic improvement.  If students with failing course grades (Quarters 1-3) or are shown not to be improving apply, then an additional review by the VLP administrative team will be conducted to determine whether the VLP is an appropriate program for their academic development. 

Are students who receive specialized services (including students with 504 plans) eligible for the VLP?
Yes. Students who receive specialized services are eligible to apply for the VLP if they meet the academic and attendance requirements after a review by OSE. 

Are students allowed to apply to the virtual learning program at any point during the school year?
No. The only window for applying occurs from April 20 - May 6, 2022.  

How do students apply for the VLP?
Parents and guardians must apply via Infinite Campus – Campus Portal.  To access or set up your account, visit www.baltimorecityschools.org/portal.  A copy of the application can be found here - 2022-23 VLP application

If a student opts for the VLP, then decides they want to return to in-person learning, what happens?
Students who opt for the VLP are making a one-year commitment. If a VLP student/family wants a change of placement, it may be considered at the end of quarter two. 

Will students accepted into the VLP still keep their seat in their “home school”?
Students accepted to attend the VLP will make a one-year commitment to the program. After the 2022-23 school year students may return to their home school if a seat is available. 

Students in grades 3-8 who attend a traditional school - schools that are not charter, contract, or choice campuses - will maintain their enrollment at their home school. The student’s cumulative folder and IEP folder will remain at the home school.

Beginning this year, the designated home school for students in grades 9-12 who wish to enroll in VLP Port will transition to Digital Harbor High School. This change means a student's academic and IEP records will be maintained at Digital Harbor High School. The student will no longer have a connection to their home school from the 2021-22 school year.  

Can students who attend charter/contract schools apply to VLP? If accepted, will they keep their seat in the charter/contract school?
Students in grades 3-8 who attend charter/contract schools may apply to the VLP; however, students will no longer have a placement at the charter/contract school in the 2022-23 school year. The students will have a new homeschool assigned to them based on their home address, and their student cumulative folder and IEP folder will transition to that school.  

Students in grades 9-12 who attend charter/contract schools may apply to the VLP; however, the students’ home school in the 2022-23 school year will transition to Digital Harbor High School. Students will no longer have a placement in their charter/contract school from the 2021-22 school year.

Are students enrolled in the VLP able to participate in in-person extracurricular activities and athletics?
For the 2022-23 school year, grade 3-8 students enrolled in the VLP will not have access to in-person extracurricular activities or athletics. These students that are interested in participating in in-person extracurricular activities and athletics should opt for in-person learning at their home school. Students in grades 9-12 that enroll in VLP Port will have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities and sports and access school-based health services through Digital Harbor High School. 

When will students know if they are accepted in the VLP for the 2022-23 school year
Students who are currently in the VLP (for the 2021-22 school year) will be notified in late May of their acceptance. New students applying will be notified in June of their acceptance. For those students not accepted into the program for the 2022-23 school year, an appeal process will be available. Information on the appeal process will be shared at the time of notification. 

Where should I go with my additional questions?
Email all questions to Email VLP Enrollment.