
May 3, 2022

Updated on May 5


City Schools reminds all graduating seniors to return their district-issued laptops and hotspots before Tuesday, May 10. Devices must be returned to participate in graduation ceremonies.

If your laptop or hotspot is missing or stolen, please notify your school immediately so a police report may be filed. A financial penalty may be assessed if 1) If the devices are not returned before May 10, or 2) a police report is not filed.

Please Note: Students that received their devices as a donation or award do not have to return them. If the device does not have a City Schools equipment tag with a number, it is not owned by City Schools.

All students (not seniors)

Also, all students (non-seniors)  must bring in their computers in June for cleaning and refreshing. Please contact your school for more details. And again, if your laptop or hotspot is missing or stolen, please notify your school immediately so a police report may be filed

Thank you for your support!