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May 13, 2022 For Immediate Release

BALTIMORE - The Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners approved a $1.62 billion budget for Baltimore City Public Schools during the 2022-23 school year during its regular meeting tonight. The budget will now go to the Baltimore City Council for approval.

The budget book is available on the City Schools website.

The 2022-23 Operating Budget: "What Students Need and What Communities Want," outlines the district’s priorities for the coming school year, which were informed by a series of stakeholder events and surveys. Items include:

  • Information on the arrival of the long-awaited Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Act, also known as “Kirwan.” 
  • How we’re investing in the areas you – our students, families, and educators – told us you want us to focus on.
  • How we’re investing in the priorities laid out in our Blueprint and reopening plans.

"We approached the FY23 budget with keen awareness of what students, families and school communities want. More than 6,000 family members of City Schools students responded to our poll and told us what mattered most to them," said Dr. Sonja Brookins Santelises, chief executive officer. "We heard you. We are gratified that the aspirations for your children mirror what City Schools strives to achieve: more - and more diverse - opportunities that reflect the uniqueness and individuality of every student, and gives them the support they need to succeed based on who they are and how they learn."