District Staff Honored with Blueprint Awards

August 13, 2021

Award winners are unsung heroes who provide extraordinary service 

Teamwork, collective commitment, and a passion for Baltimore’s students and families. These values run through the work that City Schools does every day to ensure that students access the high quality learning they deserve, and that school staff have the support necessary to open minds and guide the growth of our scholars. 

The 2021 Blueprint Awards celebrate those City Schools staff members at the district office who provide extraordinary service and care for schools, students, and colleagues. Their tireless efforts are making the Blueprint’s mission a reality: to build a generation of young people with the skills, knowledge, and understanding to succeed in college, careers, and community, not just here in Baltimore but in any city in the world.  

This year’s 10 winners were nominated by fellow staff members. They are the unsung heroes who approach their work collaboratively and with a focus on student wholeness. They use data to impact outcomes while prioritizing students and staff, support families with enrollment, engage the community, navigate legal affairs, clarify employee benefits, streamline IT capabilities, and more.