September 15, 2022 For Immediate Release

City Schools is committed to respecting the beliefs of its students, staff, and families. We apologize for any harm caused by the unfortunate scheduling of parent-teacher holidays during Yom Kippur (the evening of October 4 through October 5, 2022). Such scheduling does not reflect our values and policies. 

We have taken immediate steps to address this matter. Schools are directed to provide alternative days and times for families unable to attend parent-teacher conferences due to Yom Kippur. Athletic games scheduled for Yom Kippur have been postponed. We are reviewing future scheduled events to avoid conflicts with other religious observances to the greatest extent possible. 

Also, tests and examinations, including mandated tests and assessments, will not be scheduled. Evening events or field trips will not be scheduled on the day of a religious observance day. Schools must consider alternate dates and times for afternoon extracurricular, athletic and community events when the date falls on a religious observance.

Again, we apologize for this oversight and will do better moving forward.