December 22, 2022 For Immediate Release

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded Baltimore City Public Schools more than $9 million to purchase 25 electric school buses and charging infrastructure through the Clean School Bus program. The new electric school buses will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save money, and reduce air pollution near schools.  City Schools is one of 389 school districts to receive the award totaling $9.4 million.

City Schools will replace several diesel-powered buses.  Diesel air pollution is linked to asthma and other health conditions that can contribute to students missing school, especially in communities of color and Tribal communities. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we can ensure cleaner air for students, staff, and bus drivers who work and live near the bus loading areas and the communities where the buses travel daily.

City Schools is committed to sustainability, and the purchase of electric buses allows City Schools to continue working towards minimizing the environmental impact in our communities.