
March 2, 2020 For Immediate Release

GEMS, Girls Expecting More Success, was founded by Baltimore City School Police Corporal Betty Covington. Covington saw a need for mentors to help young ladies make good choices and to expose them to positive role models. The program expanded to include a summer camp and its annual Black History Career Panel. This year’s theme was "VISIONaires 2020."

The annual event welcomed prominent panelists including Baltimore States Attorney Marilyn Mosby, New York Times Journalist Erica Green, WJZ News Anchor Nicole Baker, and Tisha Edwards, director of the Mayor’s Office of Children & Family Success. Special tributes were made to the families of the late Dr. Demetria Newsome, assistant principal of Edmondson-Westside High School, Kaylyn High, a graduate of Digital Harbor High School and a GEMS Member, and the legendary 92Q DJ Reggie Reg.