January 7, 2021 For Immediate Release

Dear City Schools families and friends, 

The events in the United States Capitol on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, will go down in history as a strain and attack on our democracy. Many of you watched in horror as some of our country’s worst political divisions were apparent, in real-time, on televisions, the internet, and social media accounts. It was horrifying to see Americans storming our Capitol Building, desecrating our historic spaces, jeopardizing the safety of fellow Americans, and flagrantly disrupting the peaceful transfer of power. For those of us watching, it was unsettling and painful to observe. 

As educators, Baltimore City Public Schools understands our unique role during this tumultuous time. We must create safe, welcoming, inclusive environments for our students to express those feelings with empathy. We must also support students as they digest the events and place them in a historical context. In many ways, the lessons they have learned to this point were reinforced during Wednesday’s events in Washington, D.C. 

Today, we are providing teachers and staff with resources that we hope will help be helpful. Teachers may use various strategies or formats to engage students in conversation. Still, it is essential that whatever approach is chosen is developmentally appropriate and allows students to lead the way in sharing what they know, think, and feel. 

As caring adults, our role is to provide a steady, supportive presence that allows students to share their varied perspectives, encourages them to be supportive of one another, and helps to forge a sense of community.  

Like you, we will continue to monitor events both locally and in Washington, D.C., with a strong belief that our country will live up to its stated values – all are created equal…with liberty and justice for all.