April 29, 2021 For Immediate Release

Baltimore City Public Schools is pleased to announce that, as of April 30, 2021, we will allow spectators at outdoor school-sponsored athletics events. This decision was made in consultation with the Baltimore City Health Department and based on recent research and progress in managing the COVID-19 pandemic.

Participation in athletics is an essential part of a well-rounded educational experience. We know that families are eager to watch and cheer on our student-athletes. To protect our student-athletes, coaches, officials, and fans, and because many of our student-athletes are not vaccinated, we ask all spectators to support a safe environment. We require spectators to follow these health and safety rules:

  • All spectators must always wear a mask or face covering while on City Schools property and at all City Schools sponsored athletic events.
  • Spectators must remain socially distanced from individuals outside of their family/household pod, maintaining six feet or more in the stands or elsewhere on school grounds.
  • Spectators should space out and sit elsewhere if there is insufficient space to socially distance in available seating such as bleachers. Spectators should ensure seating is prioritized for spectators who have a higher need for a seat, including those who are older, disabled, or pregnant.
  • There may be no more than 250 people in the spectator area for any sporting event. This number should be reduced, as necessary, to allow sufficient space for social distancing between groups of spectators from different households.
  • Spectators should always remain socially distanced from student-athletes (aside from those in their family/household pods) and make sure their seating is a minimum of 6 feet (ideally, 10 feet) or more away from where student-athletes are playing or waiting to play.
  • Spectators should refrain from eating while in the spectator area to ensure compliance with mask requirements and ensure the safety of our student-athletes and others who are watching the competition.
  • Spectators should consistently demonstrate good sportsmanship and respectful support for student-athletes, coaches, and officials.

Efforts to keep everyone safe is a shared responsibility. Please support our ability to allow spectators at our athletic events by adhering to these health and safety requirements.

Please note that spectators may be asked to leave an event if they fail to follow these vital health and safety requirements.

Also, please note that, at this time, no spectators are allowed at indoor sporting events.

City Schools is grateful for our families and community's ongoing partnership and support as we continue to work together to implement athletic competitions at our schools safely.