May 25, 2021 For Immediate Release

During tonight’s Board of School Commissioners meeting, Baltimore City Public Schools Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Joan Dabrowski, shared district guidance on grading, promotion, and retention for the 2020-21 school year.

Based on input from the community, grading practices will be adjusted to provide a personalized, multi-year learning plan to support students in completing unfinished learning and allowing them to earn the credits they need for graduation. Additionally, it avoids the punitive approach of failing students and  a reaction to unfairly retain students. 

For this school year, families will see following changes on their student’s final report card:

Grade Levels  and Grading Adjustments for school year 20-21 
PreK, K & 1: No change 
Grades 2-5: Replace Unsatisfactory (U) with Not Completed (NC)  
Grades 6-8: Replace Fail (F) with Not Completed (NC)  
Grades 9-12 & IB: Replace Fail (F) with No Credit (NC) 

City Schools remains focused on high quality teaching and learning through virtual, in-person, and hybrid learning. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students continue to experience challenges and interruptions in their learning. The district recognizes the difficult year our students have had and the pandemic’s impact on academic performance, progress, and social-emotional wellbeing.