December 7, 2020

Baltimore City Public Schools has postponed the start of all in-person athletics activities until further notice, including in-person conditioning, practice, and competition.

This decision was made in close consultation with Baltimore City's Health Department and a careful examination of the potential risks associated with in-person athletics. While the district is eager to see our student-athletes return to play as soon as possible, our priority is to protect their health and safety.

We know that the relationships that student-athletes have with their coaches and teammates are often central to their social and emotional well-being and academic success. We will continue to work with our school-based athletic departments and community partners to support on-going virtual engagement with student-athletes and coaches by promoting a sense of community, positive character, sportsmanship, leadership, citizenship, and academic excellence.

Families and students should reach out to their schools for more information on support tools available through the athletic department.