April 17, 2020 For Immediate Release

BALTIMORE — At the direction of the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), all public school buildings in the state, including Baltimore City Public Schools (City Schools), will remain closed through May 15, 2020.

During this time, City Schools students will continue with distance-based learning curriculum. Students may call our Homework Hotline for assistance at 443-984-2001, Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.- 6 p.m.

Learning packets and grab-and-go meals will be available at our 18 emergency food sites from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please visit our Meal Sites webpage for listing of locations, https://www.baltimorecityschools.org/meal-sites.

The district will also continue to provide updates related to the schedule change as we learn more. For questions, you may call our COVID-19 Hotline at 443-984-2000 or visit our Health Updates webpage at www.baltimorecityschools.org/health-updates.