October 14, 2020 For Immediate Release

BALTIMORE - Baltimore City Public Schools (City Schools) has announced today it will offer in-person opportunities to more groups of prioritized students at 25 schools through the remainder of the first semester.

The majority of City Schools students will continue virtual learning in November and through the rest of this semester. At the same time, City Schools will offer in-person opportunities to more groups of prioritized students at schools that have demonstrated readiness for hosting these opportunities. These groups include students with disabilities, early learners, English learners, students seen less than 20 percent of the time in virtual classrooms, homeless students, transition grades (6th and 9th) and career and technical education.

Families will choose whether to participate in these opportunities or continue virtual learning for the rest of the semester. Over the next few weeks, principals at host sites will connect with families via phone calls, emails, meetings, or other means to determine their interests and develop their school plans.

While City Schools will continue to offer virtual learning for families who want to remain virtual, we will be looking to expand in-person learning opportunities at all schools for additional groups of students who choose to be in-person at the start of the second semester. 

The health and safety of our students and staff are paramount. We have been working closely with the Baltimore City Health Department and our Health Advisory Committee to ensure that we adhere to approved health and safety guidelines at every site, every day. Health and safety measures include mandatory face masks for staff and students, daily health screening and temperature checks, daily cleaning and disinfecting, and small class sizes to facilitate social distancing. These practices will continue as we expand in-person learning.

 City Schools will continue to provide ways for you to give input on virtual learning and small in-person learning opportunities. Look for a district survey in November so you may provide feedback. Visit our website and social media channels often for town halls, polls, and surveys. Also, you may send your feedback via email reopening@bcps.k12.md.us.

Members of the community are invited to join us for a special town hall on Thursday, October 15, at 5:45 p.m. on the district’s social media channels – Twitter, Facebook, and City Schools TV – to learn more about our plan for the next steps in in-person learning.