Holabird students pose with a bearded dragon

What a great week at City Schools!

Championships, innovative programs, exciting opportunities, and prestigious recognitions - there's always something to celebrate in City Schools!

Here are just a few of the good news items from this week:

Henderson-Hopkins students writing at desks

Henderson-Hopkins students in Ms. May’s Environmental Sustainability class are observing the leaves on various plants to make hypotheses about how leaf shape, surface area, and angle can determine how much light a plant absorbs.

NCTE Graphic for Poly's journal

Poly’s school literary magazine, The Poly Journal, earned “Distinguished” recognition in the National NCTE Recognizing Excellence in Art and Literary Magazines (REALM) competition. Congratulations to all the students, Ms. Serpick and Dr. Eugene, and the immense work done by Ms. Emberson and Ms. Jackson.

Students on Belair-Edison's recycling team

Did you know multiple schools in our district have student-led Green teams? At Belair-Edison, a team of fifth-graders handles the building’s recycling!

Forest Park students dissecting a pig

Students at Forest Park dissected pig cadavers in Anatomy class. Pigs have similar structures to human anatomy including hair, a muscular diaphragm, a four-chambered heart, and mammary glands. Hands-on education happens every day at City Schools!

pre-K students at Empowerment experimenting with balloons

Pre-K students at Empowerment participate in a technology class. One of the recent unplugged activities used balloons to learn about static electricity. Their teacher, Mr. Taylor, believes no student is too young to learn about how things work.

Student at desks

Third- through fifth-grade students at Johnston Square are prepping for the MCAP (our state assessment test). Mr. Green and Ms. G have been reviewing modeling and reasoning in math (these concepts are used to solve real-life math problems). These skills are important in critical thinking and problem-solving.

A gathering of parents and guardians at Dunbar

It’s college acceptance season and our schools are busy helping students plan for their college and career decisions! Dunbar hosted a Financial Aid Night to help students and families plan for college.

An adult and student ice skating

Special Olympics of Maryland started some of their winter activities at our schools like ice skating at William Paca!

A group of students around a table

The SGA at Collington Square has been working on planning third-quarter incentives, as well as the upcoming ASCBC General Assembly. We love to see the hard work these students have been putting in and lifting student voices in their school community!

A student touching a snake

The Play Group at the Lakewood Judy Center welcomed special guests thanks to the Irvine Nature Center. The students were able to touch and observe insects, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals and learn about their natural habitats.

City Schools is working on the 2024-25 Budget, which includes engagement with our families, students, and communities. Schools across the district have been hosting budget engagement sessions including this one at Harford Heights. We have four district-wide events for budget planning, and you can find them on our website.

Have a great story to share? We want to know about it! Submit your ideas.

See even more good news from City Schools in our video slideshow: