Pre-K students from Gracelnad Park making healthy fruit snacks

What a great week at City Schools!

Championships, innovative programs, exciting opportunities, and prestigious recognitions - there's always something to celebrate in City Schools!

Here are just a few of the good news items from this week:

AP Computer Science

Congratulations to Western and Forest Park for earning the AP® Computer Science Female Diversity Award for boosting girls' access to AP CS A and AP CS Principles.

Student pointing to their name on a poster

First-grade Clay Hill students recently showed off their progress with amazing posters in class that state their goals. Well done, students!

Three staff members posing outside with shovels.

📸: Armistead Gardens

Not once – but twice – snow blanketed our school communities! Many thanks to the facilities, maintenance, operations, school leaders, and other staff members for their commitment and hard work to prepare our buildings and keep them safe.

Students under a car learning about mechanics.

Students from Dunbar toured Vehicles for Change to learn about their three-month program that provides training and paid stipends to students who want to become mechanics!

Students holding a snake.

Hands-on learning experiences can be a wonderful way to learn about nature! Thomas Johnson pre-K through second-grade students enjoyed a reptile show.

Student doing a problem on a white board in class.

Growing confidence in math: Students at Thomas Jefferson are mastering vertical subtraction this week, "unbundling" tens with ease!

Poly students cleaning their campus and nearby community.

Community Action: Two hundred Poly students and ten teachers collected over 81 bags of trash from the Poly campus and neighboring business and home communities in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Armistead Gardens middle school dance.

Armistead Gardens now has a dance team for their middle school students! Thanks to Phyllis Savoy “CoachP” for starting this fun group for students.

A group of students

Five students (Sawyer R., Harrison H, Zion P. and Phineas R., and Phoebe H.) who attend Poly, Mount Royal, and Tunbridge have been working on a community project called the Punny Student Project. They received grant funding to spread kindness, "punny" gifts (such as highlighters with a message of "You've Got the Write Stuff"), and stress relief tips to City Schools students who have been nominated by teachers, parents, and peers. If you want to nominate a student for a Punny Student gift visit:!

A flagpole at Fallstaff

Flags wave again proudly: Fallstaff installed a new flagpole at the front of the building.

Have a great story to share? We want to know about it! Submit your ideas.

See even more good news from City Schools in our video slideshow: