Recognizing the vast skill, talent, and commitment of the City’s teaching force, the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners has approved a new two-year agreement with the Baltimore Teachers Union (BTU) that provides increased teacher compensation, a new teacher career ladder, and a minimum starting salary that exceeds what is required by the law several years early.
The agreement with the BTU reinforces our efforts to grow our teachers’ skills and abilities while aligning with the goals established in the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future (Kirwan). The keystone is our new teacher career ladder, which provides multiple teacher leadership roles and opportunities for career advancement without leaving the classroom.
The agreement also provides increased teacher compensation, including higher base salary for all teachers, faster interval progression along the salary scale for more teachers, and a starting salary over $60,000.
Overall, the new contract is the latest action to reinforce the value of teacher career development and leadership in roles that keep them close to instruction.
“Teachers are the backbone of our efforts to provide students with pathways to higher education and family-sustaining careers. We have always agreed with the teachers union that they deserve increased compensation and increased opportunities to advance professionally with us,” said Dr. Sonja Brookins Santelises, chief executive officer of Baltimore City Public Schools. “This agreement proves that City Schools values its educators and a firm commitment to their continued success.”
Highlights of the new agreement include:
Three-percent base increases each year over the next two years
Increased base salary for educators with master’s degrees starting in SY2025-2026
Real-time compensation for additional roles and responsibilities previously compensated through the Achievement Unit (AU) menu and a one-time cash payment for eligible banked AUs
Increased compensation for teachers with National Board Certification (dependent on funding from the state)
New teacher leadership positions that provide teachers with increased compensation and opportunities to serve in leadership roles in their schools without leaving the classroom, with parallel positions for related service providers.