During the December 10 public Board meeting, the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners (Board) shared its first update regarding the search for the new chief executive officer (CEO) of Baltimore City Public Schools. The Board will select the next CEO for the district to start in July 2026.

The CEO search will have three key phases: 

1.    Phase One: Profile Development — The Board will engage with the district’s full range of stakeholders to develop a candidate profile that outlines the necessary characteristics and skillset needed for the next CEO to effectively address the district's needs. During this phase, the Board will select a national search firm, conduct initial stakeholder listening sessions, and plan other initial transition preparations. 

2.    Phase Two: Candidate Recruitment — Based on the candidate profile developed, the Board will collaborate with a vetted national search firm to seek out and actively recruit candidates to apply and interview for the CEO position. During this phase, the Board will communicate general national recruitment awareness, post the CEO position on the City Schools website, and engage in national recruitment efforts. 

3.    Phase Three: Interviews and Selection — Using the framework outlined in best practices of governance and board policy, the Board will conduct a series of interviews and stakeholder engagement opportunities to vet candidates. The Board will select the next CEO for the district to start in July 2026. During this phase, the Board will announce the selected candidate and begin transitioning to the new administration. 

The current CEO of Baltimore City Public Schools is Dr. Sonja Santelises. In October 2024, the Board agreed to a second one-year contract extension with Dr. Santelises to serve as CEO through June 2026. The extension will begin on July 1, 2025, and end on June 30, 2026. The Board appointed Dr. Santelises as CEO in 2017. She is the longest-serving CEO in Baltimore City Public Schools since 1946 – 78 years ago.    

About Baltimore City Public Schools
Serving approximately 76,000 students, Baltimore City Public Schools is committed to providing a world-class education through its Portrait of a Graduate, which addresses the critical areas of student wholeness, academics, and staff leadership. City Schools aims to create learning communities where our students will learn, grow, and graduate from our high schools, college- and career-ready and equipped to succeed wherever their life may take them.