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David Groucutt
Teacher - Secondary
Ronnie Pitogo
Teacher - Secondary
Russel Pareja
Teacher - Secondary
Sherri Riddle
Staff Associate/10mth
Bryan Lagusad
Teacher - Special Education
Kozbi Simmons
Literacy Coach - 10mth
Jennifer Penn
Teacher - Special Education
Eric Valentine
Staff Associate/12mth
Charles Bond
Teacher - Secondary
Rachel Swartz
Teacher - Secondary
Kim McDonald
Student Wholeness Specialist
Timothy Wilson
Student Wholeness Specialist
Ronald Evans
Temporary Professional III
Dionne Allen
Teacher - ESOL
Shantele Vinson
Teacher - Secondary
Sachiet Knox
Office Assistant
Kimberly Anderson
Social Worker
Erely Zambrano
Paraeducator - ESOL
Ebone Brown
Keair Clarke
Staff Specialist - Post Secondary Advising