
Grading and Promotion

Grades reflect your academic growth in relation to your performance. Teachers assign grades based on class participation and mastery of skills, demonstrated on: tests, quizzes, homework, class assignments and projects. The final grade is based on the scholar’s overall performance.

Being frequently absent, can hinder students from mastering skills and in return decrease the student’s chance of passing.

SST and IEPs

SSTs are school-based problem solving teams utilized to review lack of academic progress, behavioral concerns, attendance/truancy issues, parent and/or teacher concerns.

IEP stands for Individualized Education Program. It’s a legal document which is a written agreement between parent and the school. The IEP defines the special education and related services that a child with disabilities will receive. Every child receiving special education must have an IEP.


In addition to class instruction, homework is necessary to achieve success. Homework is given to scholars by teachers to do at home. Homework will be assigned Monday-Thursday. Completing home assignments will help increase student’s knowledge, improve learned skills, and develop good study habits. Homework can involve reading, writing, math, studying, and/or review work.

  • It may include reviewing work already completed or learned in class.

  • It may include written work; which is an extension of the day’s lessons.

  • It may include long-range assignments, which require
    planning for successful completion by the due date.