Arts Integration and STEM

School band playing at classroom

Arts Integration

What sets Margaret Brent apart from its peers is our commitment to the Arts Integration approach to education. Developed by a team of Johns Hopkins research faculty led by distinguished education scholar (and former teacher and principal) Dr. Mariale Hardiman, the Arts Integration model is grounded in the conviction that incorporating arts education into all instructional practices, throughout all classrooms, makes learning more enjoyable and improves education outcomes. The Arts are integrated into student experience at Margaret Brent in a number of ways, including:

Arts across the curriculum. Faculty incorporate the arts across subject areas to enrich teaching and learning.

Fine and performing arts instruction. Students receive visual arts, music and theater instruction through their daily resource classes.

Resident artists. Artists participate in residencies to deepen student and faculty knowledge in art forms.

Staff professional development. Staff members engage in training opportunities with Johns Hopkins School of Education, Arts Every Day and other organizations.


Kid showing his science project at STEM Showcase

At Margaret Brent, the Arts are woven into every aspect of the education experience, including our Science-Technology-Education-Math (STEM) curriculum. Supported by the Village Learning Place, one of our strongest community partners, Margaret Brent students gain access to the celebrated “STEM Achievement in Baltimore City Schools” (SABES) program. This afterschool science-based curriculum culminates in our popular annual STEM Showcase, a partnership with Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering’s Center for Educational Outreach.