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Tawanda Bridgeforth
Assistant Principal
Ilana Golub
Occupational Therapist
Daniel Katz
Teacher - Special Education
Mary Ann Sabares Klemm
Teacher - Pre-K
Raeann Johns
Teacher - Elementary
Stacie Bowman
Educational Associate/10mth
Torrion Carter
Library Media Specialist
Karen Brandon
Temporary Support III
Kori Lucas
Manager II - Cafeteria
Reginald Farmer
IEP Team Associate
Leah Novograd
Speech Pathologist
Sharon Daugherty
Teacher - Elementary
Lashella Stanfield
Delores Burgess
Teacher - Elementary
Rachel Brunson
Assistant Principal
Louise Toms
Assistant - Non-Instructional/12mth
Gale Carter
Temporary Professional IV
Stephanie Booth
Paraeducator - Pre K
Racquel Murphy
IEP Team Associate
Rhonda Lewis
Teacher - Elementary