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Charles Mullin
Teacher - Secondary

Andrea Bates
Literacy Coach - 12mth

Stephanie Davis
Teacher - Secondary

Victoria Beasley
Teacher - Secondary

Rashawna Sydnor
Assistant Principal

Urcille Goddard
Assistant Principal

Daimen Poole
Teacher - Secondary

Ernestine Telambong Tandajo
Teacher - ESOL

Chris Vazquez
Educational Associate/10mth

Elizabeth Golightly-Moffitt
Teacher - Secondary

Jaspreet Pannu-Chhatwal
Teacher - Secondary

Joyce Agresott
Hall Monitor

Amber Thompson
IEP Team Associate

Lalaine Meneses
Teacher - Special Education

Ofelia Figueroa
Teacher - Special Education

Jennifer Moreau
Assistant Principal

Virginia Manaloto
Teacher - Secondary

Marlon Canda
Teacher - Secondary

Jeanette Placeres
Guidance Counselor

Michele Austin
Special Education Paraeducator