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Cecile Adrian
Teacher - ESOL
Xingwei Cao
Instructor - Army JROTC
Zachary Aldouby
Teacher - Secondary
Anne Gitonga
Teacher - ESOL
Avon Harrison
Special Education Paraeducator
Samuel Robfogel
Teacher - Secondary
Rebecca Dance
Teacher - Secondary
Akira Owens
Teacher - Special Education
Nicholas Styles
Teacher - Special Education
Chaun-nay Brown
Staff Associate/12mth
Brandon Connelly
Custodial Worker I/12 mth
Christopher Eutsey
Coordinator - 9th Grade on Track to Graduate
Eden Marchese
Teacher - Secondary
Daria Johnson
Teacher - Special Education
Cristine Davis
Teacher - Secondary
Alexus Wilson
Teacher - Secondary
Ben Goodman Spencer
Teacher - Secondary
Michael Smith
Donald Lee
Food Services Worker I/6 hrs
Johnnitta Fagans Redman
Teacher - Special Education