Family & Community

We value parents here at Edmondson-Westside High School. We know that our students can not be successful if parents are not active and engaged. We look forward to new parent engagement activities this year and hope that you will join us. Please join us on our family resource hub by clicking the attached link or by scanning our QR Code.



We at Edmondson-Westside High School, believe that our families and community are key to student achievement and the success of our school. In order to meet the school’s goals we need your support throughout the school year. Please join us for the many opportunities that will be available for all stakeholders! We look forward to another successful year!

Community Information

Coming Soon...


Attention Parents!

HSA's are right around the corner! Please click the links below to learn more about the H S A's and how to support your child at home.

Parents Supporting Students with HSAs H S A Tipsheet (to view this doc click on attached file)

For more information and other web-based interactive tools for learning and reviewing H S A content, you can also visit the website